126 Reviews liked by Fluppywhiffle

Everybody bought it because it cost 1cent.

Nobody played it because it sucked.

Yet again my friend is playing these nasty games. Go play some real bitches! lmao hahah-aahhaaa. (warning sex)

Y’all say “this game aged poorly!”

ngl I be having a blast playing this.

Ok so I think it goes without saying the speed stages are awesome. They are literally some of the most fun and replayable levels in sonic. As for the mech levels I kinda find them underrated. Like I genuinely really enjoy those stages and think they could be fleshed out as their own game. As for the treasure hunting levels I am mixed overall, I enjoy the early stages but near the end of the game those levels get very annoying and I don’t like them at all. Still even If I can admit the game is a mixed bag I find the good parts so enjoyable I can call it a great game.

Excellent Visuals and presentation.
So much care and respect for the bands legacy.
Easily one of the most enjoyable rhythm games i’ve ever played.

My only issue is I wish they had more songs or better yet just every beatles song (or at least all you can play with this games instruments, I can’t really imagine revolution 9 on guitar) But even if there’s some odd misses in the setlist, this game is a must play for beatles fans.

what the hell is up with the soundtrack? These are literally some of the best and most iconic parts of these games yet rockstar hasn’t renewed the licenses for some songs such as Billie Jean. would it kill them to restore content?
this collection has other problems such as some visual, audio, and gameplay problems. For your “definitive edition” you should never make the originals worse or take content out. Thankfully the games are still great, it’s just a shame the ports themselves are so bad. This collection deserved so much more.

Most embarrassing character creator I have ever seen.

ayo fuck the ads for this game. also frick off royal match you annoying too.

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where is rick and morty?

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A seemingly generic military shooter that quickly dives into insanity the more you progress. At times even feeling like a horror game in a shooter setting. On top of that all the game also offers great commentary on the genre as a whole. Especially at the time of release. The only real problem is they gameplay. Not bad by any means but certainly feels a little dated. Sort of controls like a older version of Uncharted or Gears Of War despite coming out a few years later then both games. However even if the game feels a little clunky and dated it still is fun and level design becomes much more creative as the game progresses. Overall this game is really worth playing for the experience alone.

Genuinely a hilarious and genius game. Way ahead of its time too. The original troll game.

It’s crazy how a free to play flash game can be this fucking good and rival the series it’s based off. It’s honestly hard to think of a flash game better than this.

this is fuckin dope. i can read and write now. perhaps count, hell add and subtract. all thanks to sonic.