126 Reviews liked by Fluppywhiffle

Bitches be like “just got done a hour of wii fit! I feel refreshed!”

then drive to mcdonald’s to get a big mac, large fry and a DIET coke. Comeback home and sit on their ass more to play mario kart wii or some shit.

That white slab of plastic isn’t doing much for you.

This game is noticeably barebones compared to later entries. A small roster with hardly any stages or modes.

Yet considering how massive the character roster gets this secluded roster sticking to only the most essential nintendo characters is a bit of a nice novelty.

Humble beginnings is the best way to describe this one as there’s no doubt this game was extremely innovative for fighting games. Yet It’s smash brothers only down to the basics.

A great sequel improving on everything from the original. A super consistent campaign that gets better every mission. Just like the first it’s super short yet just as replayable.

The two top down missions are great as well and are a better change of pace than the third person levels in the first game.

In many ways it’s a very straightforward sequel. Essentially a redo of the original with improvements to make for a better experience. Typically i’d want more from a sequel but I think this did about as much as a contra on nes could do so I think it’s fine. Besides this game doesn’t replace the original.

Also wow the presentation is even better. Saying a lot considering how good the original looked but the end of this game looks really awesome with the alien levels and the cool boss designs.
The tone overall is a little darker and more scary than the first.

Definitely one of my new favorite nes game for me.

light 4/5

Ok one problem is the removal of the 30 lives konami code. it’s a differnent code and it’s only ten. 😭

Dracula Moonwalk

My liking for this game is pretty simple to explain. Basically take what I like about 1 and expand it into what I believe to be the best classicvania game. Sticks to the tight difficult design like the first but even more fair and fun to play. Better controls combined with even better level design and more diverse theming. It’s a great experience from beginning to end. Everything just feels more refined if you ask me it’s what the series was leading up to.

Atmosphere and graphics are just great as well. Theming is great as it offers most the of themes presented in games before and then some. It’s all great stuff and further takes advantage of the gothic horror style. The game takes good use of the snes to provide more detailed environments along with a more eerie atmosphere. also the way the levels always change up there environments as they go on was a nice touch.

I can’t talk about the atmosphere without mentioning the soundtrack. more ambient this time around but it compliments the game well. However when the game does have a more energetic song it really goes all out.

Overall this is one of the finest platformers I’ve ever played. Pretty much everything I loved about the originals polished for the snes generation. Peak of the series if you ask me, Even if other great games like bloodlines came out after.

You can whip DIAGONAL.

Solid 4.5/5

what it’s just a ordinary liscense game....OH MY GOODNESS.

This was a pretty good platformer while also being very faithful to the original seasons of the tv show. The writing and humor of the original cartoon is like the first three seasons. It’s nice to see this game capture that similar level of charm and humor to those episodes. It’s a nice change of pace from most liscense games before and even after that failed to capture the feeling of the source material As a whole it’s clear this game was made by genuine fans of the show. The passion for the source material is one big reason why the game never fell in obscurity like other liscense kids games.

The gameplay itself is solid and pretty fun. it’s a standard collectathon platformer admitly but getting to explore locations from the show is very nice. Controls are very fluid and there are some fun platforming challenges throughout.
The mario 64 mission structure is also a nice addition and leaves the games progression up to the player for the most part.

From a surface BFBB is a bit of a basic game which is true. In some ways maybe even too basic compared to other platformers at the time. Yet it kinda adds to the game. BFBB feels like a laid back simple 3d platformer. Which makes sense because the game was made with kids in mind. Yet even with that said the game has a pretty high skill ceiling. Which is moslty thanks to the ridiculous speed running community for this game. This greatly opens up the game if your looking for a greater challenge within. Or you can be like me and play like a scrub if your looking for a chill experience. that’s not to say the game is completely easy as it does offer nice tricky sections near the end especially the dream level. I guess despite being a game for kids it doesn’t really treat the player as a kid which is nice. My favorite levels were kelp forrest and the dream world.

So overall I think this was a great game. Enjoyable for fans and a good game in its own right.

Also when I was younger looking at the box art I assumed it was a shooter. Nickelodeon make that spongebob fps I need to play some 2Fort styled krusty Krab vs Chum Bucket multiplayer action.

light 4/5

To me fnaf 1 is the series in its purest and strongest form. before it was a big franchise it was just a small indie game with a lot of creativity. It was smart but didn’t overstay it’s welcome. Just a short horror experience with a genius concept, an eerie familiar atmosphere and a subtle story that reveals itself through clues hidden throughout the game. the gameplay was also unique taking the role as a security guard, giving you a false sense of that security looking at the horror through cameras in your office. Just to eventually give you a jumpscare when you least except it. Works well overall.

as for the sequels I just can’t get into them. the story in my opinion expands way to much til it’s just convoluted and ridiculous. as for the gameplay it didn’t expand enough and just felt like the same experience but worse.

Even if I don’t care for the sequels I can still appeciate this first game and kinda hope Scott Cawthon goes on to do something not fnaf related

kanye jumpscare.

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ben? yes? no. Hohoho! hmmmm. ugh! mhm hmmm.
ben is a humble little dog that pisses me off with his attitude. yet who can blame him? he doesn’t want to be bothered. he just wants to read his newspaper and mix random chemicals together. you the player are bothering ben so he has the right to mock you and answer with simple responses to YOUR phone calls.

yet there’s Ishowspeed. A man who just wanted to be bens friend yet ben had to be a bitch CONSTANTLY. God is great but ben is not good

fuck you ben

this game is awful and rotted my friends brain. he is too far gone. He has no well being after playing the game.

Ok so I was excited for this game. One of my favorite games getting a sequel? wow! this was one of the first games I can remember getting excited for. It’s the first time I awaited a release date. So when the day finally came I couldn’t wait to play it. At the time I enjoyed the game however I end up liking it less and less as I get older.

I feel like this is a disappointing sequel that fails to truly live up the original. Sure the controls are better but I can’t even say the gameplay is a improvement because having to rely on oswalds awful ai is just a chore and I swear didn’t work properly sometimes. as for the level design it’s fine but feels much more linear than the last game. Being linear isn’t always a downgrade however for this game the levels feel more repetitive than before. And I don’t like the areas overall nearly as much as the original.

My main problem is the charm or lack there of. this game has much less of the style and awesome art of the original and just feels much more uninspired. feeling more like a generic disney product. I’m not saying everything has to be dark and gloomy but they could have gotten a little more creative with some of these environments. i’ll admit the game has its moments like the fort and especially the float yard but as a whole feels so much more uninspired and bland with its style. even the music took a hit I don’t remember any of the new songs here.

as for the length this game feels way too short. now I prefer shorter games (3-6 hour games I like) but this game felt short in the bad way. in a way where it doesn’t feel complete and ends abruptly.

In a lot of ways this game feels like the heart and soul was taken out for a more accessible but much less memorible game. I suppose it’s not AWFUL just kinda a mediocre sequel to a very special and unique game. i’ve played a lot worse but this game is really disappointing because of its potential and the exceptions set.

Growing up with this game was something else.
I remember getting this game all the way back in 2010 for christmas. It was a really interesting game to play as a 6 year old to say the least.

Never would I think a disney game would scare me so much with its atmosphere. Everything felt
much more dark and gloomy then any other game i’ve played at the time. It’s something that scared me for sure but it also captivated me. Even if I didn’t know it at the time, this games eerie atmosphere combined with its nostalgic use of disney history really fascinated me.

The atmosphere caused me to not be able to finish this game for a long time, I can name many things from this game that use to scare me as a kid. Everything from the robots, mickey junk mountain, tommorow city, the lonesome manor and that damn clock tower literally caused me to take breaks from playing. yet it’s something i’ve grown to greatly appreciate over time. Stylistically this game is pretty awesome.
It has this dark twisted take on disney land yet some areas give off this warm calming feel to it. As if your exploring a run down theme park while remembering what it used to look like. it’s the type of game I like to take a step back and just appreciate the art as a whole. This game has a really unique take on disney and honestly I would consider the Wasteland to be one of my favorite worlds in any game.

This game is also what got me into old cartoons.
It kinda led me down this rabbit hole of animation history and honestly I feel like I have a greater appreciation of animation because of it. Seriously if you like animation history then check this game out it’s full of references to old disney stuff. Hell I even got into those old Disney Treasures dvds because of this game.

So I certainly have a lot of nostalgia for this game but i’ll admit the gameplay does have its issues. Nowadays I don’t really have any problems with this game but that’s only because i’ve been playing for so long. For a new player I can imagine the stiff controls and sometimes frustrating design can stop someone from loving the game. So i’ll admit it’s clunky but I can’t help but love this game for practically everything else. I’m still willing to look past it because this game succeeds at a lot of other things it goes for really well. Besides I still enjoy the gameplay. It’s got a cool take on 3d platformers with its paint brush mechanics. oh and those projector segments are awesome. Especially after watching the original cartoons myself.

So in conclusion this is a special game to me flaws and all. i’ll always have a lot of appreciation for this game. and hey it’s a lot better than the sequel.

Also I need to quickly mention the concept art. I normally don’t care about collecting concept art in games but the concept art here is so damn cool. Seriously go look it up they look so great I would unironically buy a poster of one of them. Great stuff.

Me and the boys going in to battle in tank trouble. Fuckin Lit. Playing this at school is HYPE.

I used to join discord calls while playing the game. So I “accidently” interrupted the call by screaming because the game scared me. Freaking awesome game. Deep space Resident Evil 4 with ugly space aliens. A really good mix of 3rd person action and survival horror gameplay. Also it honestly amazes me how well this game looks today, Stunning visuals. Great atmosphere

I played this for like 20 minutes and was like “Yeah this is the best football game ever.” So much content and so much fun. Maddens last respectful stand before it sucked. Swans song for 6th gen sports games and a dawn of the 7th gen sports games. What the hell. Also being the last gamecube game....one hella epic way to go out.

Blue man group funny man beats the shit out of construction workers with a funny stick.

Excellent visuals and soundtrack. All around it’s worth playing for the style alone. It’s definitely one of the best examples of this retro futuristic 80s aesthetic. I also enjoyed the story, nothing amazing but still enjoyable with some funny writing. I just wish the gameplay had more variety. The gameplay loop of taking over bases is fun but I do kinda wish there was a little more to offer in terms of gameplay. A more interesting open world would help too. But I can’t deny everything around the gameplay is very good. I just hope a sequel gets made that’s more of a full game. Perhaps for the games 10th anniversary?

Edit: Ok so after some more time with the game I changed by mind on the gameplay and map. I think both are great now. starting with the map it’s better from the perspective of a big checklist of objectives to complete. This game does a great job at providing the player with the fun and simple gameplay loop. Finding collectibles, Attacking garrisons, hunting animals, Fighting enemies, side quest, main quest and getting money is all connected through the map. This game is constantly giving you new tasks to complete and due to the short length and overall ease of completing of the tasks I had fun getting lost in this games loop of content. I still think the map could have more variety but in the context of the gameplay it’s great.