This game ruined my life. I ran into a game breaking glitch where enemies could shoot me from anywhere no matter how far away I was (even through buildings!!!!). Link to video where this happened to me

Really good remake, but these games are not that fun to me. Still a decent pick up and play every once in awhile

Hating David Cage games is my passion and this one is extremely fun to play with others. What a shitshow

An unreasonably massive game that gets so much worse the more you play it. The second turning point the franchise has taken except it is going even more downhill now

Tried playing this with a friend. Really fun to hate this one

If I could only show one game to introduce someone to video games as a whole, this would be it. One of the most accessible games ever made

This game really changed perspectives on what games can be. It's the ultimate walking simulator game that people refer to when talking about their hatred for the genre. I for one love them when they are done well and this one is so goddamn good

This game is STILL fun to play. Lots of mechanics are outdated but even just exploring this world is still as awesome as it was all those years ago. The composer said that the music was based on his near death experience with a car crash so he wanted the music to sound like it was reflecting on life. He captured that perfectly. Bethesda games seriously have some of the best music in gaming and this one might have the best they ever put out (lets be honest, the Skyrim music got old fast)

I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is, but I pretty much agree with their problems. For me, I just find the combat system to be one of the better ones in the franchise so I didn't mind just going down halls and fighting things in the early hours. Also just really enjoyable to watch the cutscenes because even 12 years later the game is unbelievably beautiful. Might be the only 3d final fantasy that can be considered to have timeless visuals

If the gameplay were less generic, it would make this one of the all time greats. Absolutely adore this game as it still shows what gaming narratives are capable of. Crazy how no shooters have even tried to come close to having a story like this.

people who like the first one and not this one are all cowards. This one is superior in all gameplay aspects and even has a solid narrative. A worthy sequel to one of the greatest games ever made.

this game fucking rules holy shit

When the first words were spoken, I said o no. I think Kentucky Route Zero spoiled me because I now cannot play any other games of this type that have voice acting. It's more annoying here than immersive. Also don't like the dialogue at all. Had to abandon ten minutes in

A perfect puzzle game. It's just bejeweled with even more game modes.

The first level is transcendental. Only level I play on repeat and that alone makes it one of my favorite puzzle games of all time.