Brilliant, Came with a College level book on Ant's.

The family in this game would eb the focus for the sim's going forward.

Received for free on ps plus, its kinda fun. I think I like mk11 better due to robocop.

First system seller for ps5.

The haptics really make it feel like you can feel the breaks and acceleration and helps you stay on the line.

Also its almost Edutainment or a large ad with the history of cars in the game.

Got as a PS plus game.

Was really impressed with the story and gameplay.
I got stuck on the first planet for a long time trying to return to ship and got so frustrated that It made my force myself to finish the game. Getting the parry down is key, Played on the second hardest difficulty.

one of the best games ive ever played.

There were parts where my fight or flight was so strong perhaps stronger than real world. The area with where you get madness and enter the building surrounded by spiders took me some time to mentally process and proceed.

Some dont like the difficulty and or grinding I love the dungeons and the way they are implemented.