slow burn kino but i couldn't handle the heat

This is THE best presentation of either game series, the menus and UI elements look authentic, very colorful opposed to the darker venues in the other games.

I am shocked this came out before Green Day Rock Band seeing as it doesn't even have an ounce of the personality this game has.

Another step above GDRB is it's ACTUAL songs, not to say Green Day isn't good, but Beatles has songs with more varied songs, play the first 5 songs in each games story mode (NOTE: I played Guitar), count the amount of times in GDRB you are just doing the same, split chord string, reverse split chord string, opposed to the more open ended nature of a Beatles track

Going from seeing how these characters who've existed since GH 2 and 3, with some more semi interesting writing, to doing the entirety of 2112 while the members of Rush narrate, and THEN to playing three back to back Megadeth songs in a battle against a giant mech while using all the unique abilities of each member at once is so unbelievably cathartic, just wish I knew more of the songs in the setlist.

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I'm torn, I believe this has some of the best side content, gameplay improvements, world building, etc - in the series... but the story just isn't there I'm afraid...

I don't find Ichiban meeting his mom nearly as compelling as persevering the "It's only business" style betrayal, and challenging the Prime Minister of Japan who happens to be someone who once was someone he looked up to, only for both of which to end horribly. I don't know how they could have topped Yakuza 7 but nonetheless, I couldn't help but feel like Infinite Wealth tried to use beats from Yakuza 7 but they don't work as well without the impact.

There was a true sense of pay off by the time Yakuza 7 ended, you witnessed the "end" of the Yakuza, you fought against a dragon, you outsmarted the the Governor after beating a heavyweight boxer built up so magnificent-ly, only for it to crash down at the end, masterful. Such an emotional experience... the only time I felt similar levels of emotion was when you fought the three legends in the Alps, caught me off guard, that's where it lies.

Ebina is mostly unseen throughout the game, with a silly goal, pal-ing up with a Hawaiian zealot, some random guy who also happened to hate Yakuza, and his vtuber-by-gunpoint cancel culture person. I couldn't help but feel like everytime the vtuber that it was just so unserious, using some random vtuber to cancel people. The overlap between a vtuber and a crime syndicate just doesn't make sense to me, I only ever felt like it made any impact when it affected Kiryu getting in trouble with the Daidoji, which also doesn't happen really happen.

The Daidoji did NOTHING about this, they were set up to be such an opposing force in Gaiden, yet, feel like they had conveniently no power here, relying on other people to find Lani, conveniently not knowing Eiji wasn't on the good side, confidently not knowing Chitose wasn't a unwilling accomplice, but always knowing what Kiryu is doing but doing virtually nothing about it

The two final bosses really did nothing for me, Bryce was just a cartoonishly evil cultist, Ebina just had a hate boner for the yakuza and wanted them gone. Sure it is evil, but it feels like such a roundabout way to do it, while I do think it could've been the only way that could have been realized, I just think they could have done something better entirely.

I do really like Kiryu's plea, I feel like it would do nothing but it scratched the itch I felt the entire game, just a bit. What I don't like is him staying alive, I get it's cool that he regained his name (further confirming how useless the Daidoji are) but it really felt like he was too valuable to kill outright, but there's just an utterly lack of anything going on that pulling the trigger on something (or someone) would've made the story feel a sizeable portion more impactful. The story really felt like a 50 hour long villian of the week affair, which is a shame considering how much was packed into Yakuza 7, despite that, I do feel the game is worth playing, incredibly fun combat, replayable side content, a full new map with tons to see, it's just a shame my favorite element of these games wasn't the strong suit.

I have no idea what people see in this garbage, aimless, boring, and not nearly as unhinged as people say it is


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Has the worst story in the RGG catalog by far, but the combat and overall characters are great. Despite my issues with how barebones teacher killer plot is, I still couldn't help but be super giddy after the boss fight splash screen pop up, time slows down as the theme crescendos just as they clash, I will never get sick of it.

This game is NOT as good as everyone says, it falls apart once you look at it.

The story and themes are the first contention, the main cast only receives development in the dungeons they are introduced in, after that, they are relegated to be a colorful piece of cardboard as they spit their lines of dialogue out in service of only the ongoing story - in contrast to Persona 3, which had some amazing character moments - moments where they are the focus after being introduced, characters that fight with each other, characters that are jealous of your status. It's really uneasy and serves the plot well as they realistically don't trust you right away. Compare that back to Persona 5 where every character (i.e party members) is a yes man and doesn't challenge your judgement at all.

The story beats are horrible, while the first palace was serviceable and set up relatively well, the rest are basically the same thing but 7 more times, which goes right into the real issue with these palaces. Taking someone's heart and making them confess their crimes is one of the most plot convenient garbage I've ever seen in a game and it directly trashes the main themes of the game, every single issue is taken care of by using magic... Oh a predatory teacher who is going to expel the main characters, ohhh well change their heart, Madarame abuses his students, lets Yusuke's mom die of a seizure, a guy is cheating at a video game - erm, change his heart, I guess? Changing someone's heart just seems like a cop out, beat the shadow, make them confess in the real world, the way the person acts in the real world after the fact is as if the were swapped out with a different person, which doesn't make sense why they would willingly confess their sins that would put them away for years - or sometimes life in prison.

A couple of ways that I have thought about could make this better would be to use the metaverse to gather evidence that would be so damning and catastrophic that it would back them into a corner AND it will be known to the public, which makes more sense for rebel to do, posting scandalous images or relevant evidence all over town, opposed to magically changing the way they think and forcing them to confess, which is closer to a therapist I'd say. Or maybe instead of that, what if the target's sins suddenly weigh upon them and cripple them, keeping their personality, but making them go to their own conclusion, which is at least marginally better than what we got.

There are moments in the story where characters will ignore incredibly important information despite the fact that it would be incredibly out of character for them to do so, take the Akechi pancake situation, you're lead to believe that Ryuji interjecting, "uhhh what are you talking about?" to a comment that would surely scream to anyone else that Akechi has knowledge of the Metaverse, was him genuinely reacting in confusion, which doesn't make sense for him to do in this position. It isn't made clear if he reacted instinctively to this or noticed and never talked or said anything about it until October, each of them are equally bad I think, it doesn't matter because memory juice wipes Joker's brain away conveniently so he forgets that detail while talking to Sae in the interrogation room. The other time that something is ignored is when the knowledge of a strange palace Joker and Morgana stumble upon which is just brushed off almost immediately after, I don't expect them to act immediately, but I do ask for justification for their decision other than, we busy with Sae palace.

That amounts most of the problems with the story and characters, besides some smaller moments like Morgana's whole contrived 3rd act falling out moment, Ryuji seemingly dying for the sake of the team, only to reappear seconds later and for the team to beat him up, Morgana appearing back after there being no explainable reason in lore for him to be back. The rest of the issues lie in the fact that every characters 'confidant' usually revolves around a completely different person and not the person you're talking to, it gets worse since more times than not you're going to need to go to Mementos to solve their issues for them, none of the previous games had this, but P5 does and it messes up any kind of development that the confidant was having up til that point, and it's really annoying and not interesting because most of these confidants are in a position where they can overcome it with your support as a person, and it happens for most normal confidant in the game.

So in short, this game has plenty of moments that break the entire story and themes of the game, as well as the characters, leaving the game flawed in nearly every way.