Games I FINISHED in 2023

I only ended up finishing 22 games last year, which was a bit disappointing after hitting 30 in 2021. Will I be able to hit 25+ again? Who can say! I will once again be trying the How Long to Beat forum's yearly game challenge ( ), which is a total of 50 this year w/o bonuses, and will hopefully be going deeper into my Recommend and Review list ( ) which I DID beat multiple games for but need to type up reviews for.

Considering the first game I beat this year was The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout you know this year will be a real winner.

As always I won't be including replays of games I beat, just new games that I finished.

Completed - 4/14/2023
Finished: 11/21/2023

NOTE: Technically you can't "finish" Tetris but I hit my goal, which was to hit 100 Lines cleared.
Finished - 10/17/2023
Completed - 12/8/2023


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