Fun with friends, but overall is trash.

The only early access game that made me regret buying it.
I really like touhou games, fangames are good, this looked pretty nice, but thats it, it just look nice, nothing more.
And the game isnt even finished after so many years so....yeah no thanks


I remember playing this game on wildtangent many years ago, it was a fun experience, did not complete it because it was just the free trial version iirc, now I bought it on steam and honestly, its a fun game.
Far away to be amazing but its do a nice job to keep you playing it, and well its a nice game to kill the time.

It's honestly a good game. For an mmo it has a decent story, it's not incredible or anything out of this world but it can be enjoyable.
The ost is also pretty good and the community is decent, as always there will be problems like all mmo but it's usually easier to run into a good party than a bad one.

Unfortunately I personally reached a point that the game can't offer me much more either, the game is not really that challenging, and I talk about all the content that the game can offer (include ultimates and savage)
But it's a personal opinion, aside from that, the game is entertaining, and you'll have for sure a good time with friends, the thousands of hours of play that I have in this game show the love and respect that I have for this game.

Crab game is literally better, no joke

AOE2 for me is one of the greatest rts game out there. The only other game comparable to it, its literally another AOE lol.
Jokes aside, the game is great, its nice to have a game like this in a genre so niche.

God I hate this game so much lmao. The game is awful, but in a good way, its funny.

This game for me its something, I played it in the xbox version A LOT, and even I played in other consoles, like the vita or the PC version. It was a good game

Like every other monster hunter but more mindless, not a bad thing tho. For me is better than world/iceborne.
Turret doggos are fun

The ugly child of terraria, the game is fun just with mods.

this game made me a sadistic monster.

A really good mmo but unfortunately it chose a path which was not much to my liking. Thanks to the "season pass" and other things it made me definitely leave this game.

Trash game but I would play it with friends just for the memes.