Like the first Fear & Hunger but literally better in every aspect of the game

I joked about this game being soulless but in fact, for me, it is.
There are a lot of things that you are supposed to do but it's just feels so empty... I also feel that it doesn't have a great level of replayability which I find super detrimental for any roguelike.

If you like farming sim, its okay
for me that Im not so fond of this genre It was just...tedious. The game is cute, but speaking from a gameplay perspective, its pretty awful. Literally, you cant progress in the game if you dont do the farming aspects of the game and grind it (and no, its not a skill issue when you do 1 damage to the enemies) as I said in the beginning if you really dont like that like me, you are going to have a bad experience.

this game is now internet history..for better or worse.

Solid game. Like wadanohara: cute characters, funny/cute moments.
And that's it, every other aspect is just okay or kinda mediocre.

2 stars only for the OST and for some characters.

This game was one of my first on the snes.
I really cant said so much about the game because I played it like 20 years ago lol but I can say for sure that I had a good time with it

AOE2 for me is one of the greatest rts game out there. The only other game comparable to it, its literally another AOE lol.
Jokes aside, the game is great, its nice to have a game like this in a genre so niche.

Crab game is literally better, no joke

The ugly child of terraria, the game is fun just with mods.

this game made me a sadistic monster.

A really good mmo but unfortunately it chose a path which was not much to my liking. Thanks to the "season pass" and other things it made me definitely leave this game.

The only early access game that made me regret buying it.
I really like touhou games, fangames are good, this looked pretty nice, but thats it, it just look nice, nothing more.
And the game isnt even finished after so many years so....yeah no thanks