it is insane how every game in this series with like the exception of the gameboy game is peak fiction more people rly need to check this series out nowadays

it's GOOD but the annoying repetitive missions and lack of villain encounters rly bring it down for me. Still great undeniably and has the best web mechanics period, but not among the S listers when it comes to spider-man games personally.

it's rly good but it feels a little too short for my liking and it's not AS creative as the thunder force series but the great boss fights and cool ship transformation mechanic make up for it

this will always be the best spider-man game in my eyes it literally just gets EVERYTHING right and has probably the best art style of any 6th generation game

this is literally the peak of spider-man gameplay the combat the swinging the mechanics OIFGUFGHGUHB its all just absolutely fucking perfect which is why it's so unfortunate that the story is mostly dogshit


I love the swinging and combat but the lack of interesting content in this game minus the mysterio storyline holds it back a lot for me


Still a great first entry and i always liked the more moody world war vibe of this one compared to the later wacky stuff

Not as tight as IV or III but still a fantastic experience all around, another one for the pile of surprisingly fantastic ps1 shooting games lmao.

stop reading this and go play this game rigHT NOW

This was actually rly good which caught me off guard honestly. Level design and enemy placement is all super fair and the mechanic of catching ghosts is simple but fun, give this one a shot if you're a ghostbusters fan!

Gunstar heroes if it was boring and had a continue limit