What a journey this has been. I initially played this in 2017/2018 and came back to finish it in 2024 after getting the urge to play it again. BOTW is an absolutely amazing game in itself, though I always felt that the lack of actual dungeons made it a weaker TLoZ. I get quite overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do in open worlds, and BOTW was no exception; honestly, I think this was the game that triggered that feeling the most.

Going back to it in 2024 and beating the final boss with absolutely no recollection of the controls was such a stupid idea, and I'm glad I did it.

I have been playing this on-and-off since its release to achieve the one thing I never could as a kid: see the true ending of this game.

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life was a childhood staple for me, and there's never been another game quite like the AWL/FoMT combination in the way these connected with each other and the story progression in the separate games but also between them.

It was the only console Harvest Moon to release in Europe for a long while, and as a kid needing some help with the English language (shout-out to this game for teaching me all the animals), a lot of hours were put into this.

The SoS remake implemented a lot of very necessary QoL changes without changing the game at all. You are no longer locked into a gendered game version where you can only marry the opposite gender. Tools have their own slots, and some questionable writing has been removed while still making sure to preserve that core that reminds me of my childhood.

That also means it's stuck in the farming sim gameplay we had in 2003/2004, making it very slow and cozy. It's the perfect game to pick up and play for a bit to relax, but not one I can play for very long periods of time, and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Currently in year 3!

Just not for me right now.

I feel like Persona 1 is truly a product of being the first in the series and was clearly developed as a Megaten spinoff and nothing more. Coming from what Persona would eventually turn out to be, this was hard.

It's more of a dungeon crawler than what I was in the mood for right now, with the story taking a backseat to the gameplay, which I genuinely enjoyed.

To me, it feels like the game doesn't really try to push the story as much at this point (I did only get 5 hours in... twice) and is mainly using it to guide you further along to experience new demons and the gameplay, leaving me confused about the characters and their intentions.

I'll probably read the manga and eventually come back knowing exactly what I'm in for.

I pulled my PSP out of storage to play Persona 1, and the UMD for this game was still in it, which immediately prompted a new playthrough.

The first game of one of the best rhythm games out there. They'd go on to add a lot of Quality of Life improvements and make the game more flashy, but because of that, this is also the most no-nonsense Project Diva out there that was a celerbation of Miku and the fans.

Honestly, one of the greats of my childhood. I fondly remember going out with my grandma, who has since passed away, and her gifting me my copy of this game. Back in 1999, this was an absolute masterpiece, and while it still is very good in 2024, I feel like QoL changes in newer releases (especially HGSS) offer better experiences of Johto now.

I loved being able to explore Kanto as well as a kid, but as an adult, it feels a bit empty and more like "postgame" content rather than part of the entire game.

Johto has a special place in my heart, but my next return will be through HGSS.

One of the best Farming games out there. You can tell Concerned Ape fell in love with the original Harvest Moons from back in the day and wanted to create both an homage and an spiritual successor to them. Where Harvest Moon has gotten progressively worse every installment Stardew stands there as a beacon.

I have played this game for over 100 hours across multiple platforms and I haven't even close to getting to experience everything it has to offer.

Incredibly cute hidden objects game that's not hard but does require you to look a little closer. The handdrawn graphics are absolutely amazing and there are so. many. cats.

I played this while waiting for a fridge to be delivered and couldn't leave the living room. This kept me entertained for a couple of hours!

I picked this up for a tenner after a recommendation from a friend, who said it had fun gameplay but a very lackluster story.

Being a couple of hours in, I have seen absolutely no story as of yet beyond "Odin created the Valkyrie to try to stop Ragnarok," but I will give it to my friend; the gameplay is fun although not very deep. It allows for comboing which depends on 2 buttons, making it very easy to rack up big combos.

The biggest enemy is honestly the camera that tends to get stuck in places, preventing you from seeing what's going on - leading to just pressing ◻ and hoping for the best.

I ended up Abandoning the game and selling it because I was just not enjoying my time with it whatsoever. Life is too short to struggle through hobbies you don't enjoy.

The cosiest, the rhythm game of all time. This is one of my go-to's when I want to sit down and forget whatever I am thinking about. It's so nostalgic and good and a trip down memory lane.

This has quickly become my favorite Final Fantasy and one of my favorite games altogether. An story that slapped me in the face with a fish and made me question it's main message and apply it to my own life, absolutely amazing characters with stellar VA's and, even though there are a bit too many, amazing sidequests.