Log Status






Time Played

32h 30m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 14, 2024

First played

March 23, 2024

Platforms Played


Before starting to play, I thought Chicory was a game like Toem, relaxing, captivating, simple, and that I wouldn't even notice time passing while playing.

The beginning is quite interesting, seeing the game with those colors and textures and then everything turning blank is something that motivated me to keep going.

One thing that I didn't understand at first and that I think should have a better reward is the fact that you paint the screens on which you play. Sometimes a character appears somewhere you painted to say how beautiful it is, but that's about it, and I'm not sure if not painting would have affected the 100%, but I'm almost certain that painting or not painting the world doesn't affect this percentage.

The painting mechanic was quite strange for me at first, but after figuring out on my own that you can change color, size, draw, and erase with the mouse, everything became easier.

Unlike Toem, in this game, talking to NPCs is not as fun; few have any missions, most just say something involving the world or you, and nothing that implies or ends up directing you to a side quest or something similar.

I spent a lot of time painting the game, and that was good in a way since the game aims to make you truly become an artist and ends up making you develop an affection for the game. The downside is that not knowing how impactful painting the world was, I kind of felt disadvantaged for not painting and it sometimes became somewhat monotonous to paint areas with the same colors.

Something I really liked was the affinity with the brush that adds mechanics that impact the whole map, even the last one you discover to finish the game, and after the credits, it allows you to explore several areas that were previously inaccessible.

I found the collectibles very superficial and easy to ignore, as they are just decorations for locations, and I personally only collected them all at the end and didn't want to furnish anything with them. The clothes also don't have any impact other than visual.

Overall, the game is cool, has an intriguing story, and a pleasant ending. It has characters that, even if not so impactful in the story, are memorable, a very large map that is easy to remember each area of, good challenges, and you can see that they put care into thinking about every detail. Even though several aspects were not as I expected, it was a good experience and I recommend it for those who like these more relaxing and casual games.