An immersive 2d experience! I was so into this indie masterpiece, that time went by almost unnoticed. High praises to the amazing pixel art and sound ambience. The devs also made a very clever choice with the dialogues taking advantage of the game's main mechanic, the time warp.

Great recommendation for your wishlist on Steam, and maybe try getting it on the next sale.

Mario Kart DS: A Solid Racer with Room for Improvement

Mario Kart DS brings the beloved kart racing franchise to the Nintendo DS, and while it delivers a fun and engaging experience, it also leaves room for improvement. With its iconic characters, creative tracks, and a multitude of power-ups, it's a game that provides hours of entertainment, especially those who are familiar with the series.

The track design in Mario Kart DS is imaginative and diverse, with a mix of new courses and nostalgic throwbacks to earlier titles in the series. It was a blast to run through iconic tracks like Rainbow Road, Waluigi Pinball, and Yoshi Falls provide thrilling and challenging racing experiences. The inclusion of retro tracks was a nice touch, which added to the game a necessary nostalgic appeal.

Altough the game's AI can be quite challenging (not in a good sense), it does provide some fun to the single-player experience. But particularly in the 150cc and Mirror modes, the AI can be frustratingly difficult, which can be a turn-off for some players. For completionists like myself, this provided quite a challenge, so it made the reward much more enjoyable.

As far as the completionist process went, I got a different start screen for finishing 100% of the game. This means that I got all the cars, unlocked all the characters in the game, and got a gold trophy for each one of the 8 Cups, in each of the 4 different Modes (50cc, 100cc, Mirror, 150cc). Sure, the biggest reward was revisiting such a nostalgic game for me, and proving to myself that I could finish it, so naturally I was quite happy with the result.

In conclusion, Mario Kart DS is a solid entry in the franchise, offering a mix of nostalgia and innovation. It provides a good racing experience, mainly due to the presence of the second screen. However, it falls short of achieving a higher rating due to the lack of challenge variety and for an AI that can be frustratingly too easy or too difficult. It's a game that's worth playing, but keep in mind it's not the best in the series when tackling this game, specially as a completionist.

Hotline Miami: A Wild and Thrilling Dance of Violence

Hotline Miami is not just a game, it's an adrenaline-fueled, neon-soaked trip through the dark and disturbing underbelly of 1980s Miami. This top-down, fast-paced, and ultraviolent action game is a masterclass in creating an immersive experience that's both challenging and captivating. With its intoxicating blend of mesmerizing visuals, pulse-pounding soundtrack, and addictive gameplay, Hotline Miami earns its spot as a modern classic in the gaming world.

You step into the shoes of a mysterious protagonist who receives cryptic messages on his answering machine, instructing him to commit brutal assassinations. The gameplay is fast and brutal, requiring split-second decisions, impeccable timing, and a high degree of skill. Each level is a meticulously designed puzzle of violence, challenging you to clear rooms full of armed foes using various weapons, including guns, melee weapons, and even your bare hands.

The difficulty level is punishing but fair, and the game rewards creativity. Experimenting with different approaches and strategies is not only encouraged but essential. Each death is a learning experience, and each successful hit is an exhilarating rush. The sense of accomplishment when you finally clear a level is incredibly satisfying.

In conclusion, Hotline Miami is a masterfully crafted experience that combines striking visuals, an unforgettable soundtrack, and addictive gameplay into a 5/5 gaming masterpiece. It's a wild and thrilling dance of violence that will leave you hooked from the first level and captivated by its dark, neon-soaked world. If you haven't experienced the frenzied magic of Hotline Miami, do yourself a favor and dive into this unforgettable trip through a retro, dystopian Miami – just don't forget to bring your favorite mask.