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G4Sunbathing completed Marathon
while doom would (rightfully) set the world ablaze, marathon would pop up on the mac shortly after, and took a decidedly different approach.

im sure youve seen the quote from john carmack. you know the one, about stories in games being more comparable to ones from a porn movie. marathon would take the logic and plant it in the nearest dumpster. fuck that, said bungie.

it payed, and continues to pay dividends. marathon is beautifully written and the layers of conspiracy do go deep, with plenty to find and take apart, from MIDA to whatever the hell is happening in a certain deprivation chamber. while the sequels (particularly infinity) would create more madness, this is a hell of a foundation. it also introduces one of the most interesting and charismatic video game characters in Durandal. seriously - practically every quote from him is immediately quotable.

its just a shame that other parts of marathon are so clunky. the movement, the fov and ESPECIALLY the map design are all either outdated or just insane. its a shame cause the moment-to-moment gameplay is as fun as every other shooter from the era. but hey, this is what going back to the early days is like

aside from the map design. seriously its just kinda dumb sometimes.

anyways, brilliant first game, despite its many issues. if you just want to learn about the story, give hamish a visit.

T-Minus 15.193792102158E+9 years until the universe closes!

(U.E.S.C. Marathon - Public Access Terminal 39-f<>)

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G4Sunbathing followed LJ_90

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G4Sunbathing followed noafz

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