It took me since the release date to replay this game. The strong, complex and emotional journey it takes you, makes this one.. One of the greatest games of all time.

At first I was skeptical. Did the game (and dlc) need a remake? The answer is YES. The improvements are a delight for the eyes. The gameplay is well refined and its fits now graphically perfectly with the sequel.

It's a beautiful game with attention to detail and lore. The main mission, some side missions and combat are well executed. But i you look it from another perspective it's pretty generic. Day and night cycle is pretty useless, limited enemy types, no morality system,... Nothing game changing. But a great start from a game studio who never did this type and scale of games

• Graphics | 10/10
• Gameplay | 10/10
• Story | 10/10

Final Verdict | 10/10
• Its GOTY. The story is so immersive&captivating. The gameplay is fluid and the graphics are just breathtaking.

Its a perfect sequel of a perfect saga, the references, easter eggs, side quests, etc.. it all perfectly fits in this game. You can see how well crafted it is with so much care to details. Its certainly a must play!

•Graphics | 8/10
•Gameplay | 8/10
•Story | 6’5/10

First impression Verdict | 8/10
• This game is a must play! The first few hours have been a blast! It’s pure nostalgia! But in fresh coat! They redone it from scratch by keeping the story as it was. Even if you didn’t play the older games you’ll certainly have blast as well. It’s a semi open world with main missions, side missions, tasks. But if you want to take a break from those, you can explore your current town looking for collectibles and most important of all you can DESTROY anything and anyone you want to! I always preferred the first one (story) but this one has also a special place in my heart. If they continue remaking these games im curious to see if they’ll make new DAH games with new stories after these. Because they’re doing a great job already. Small minus point there’s some minor bugs here and there but nothing that some patches can’t fix.