My favorite Touhou game and the ideal type of game for me. I love everything about it.

I have no clue how I found this game to be easy when I was 13 or so but now it's near impossible

Absolute peak of fighting games

Sorry Photoshoppers I only use real drawing software

I'm sorry I am not a fan of my DS screen being broken

Whenever I try to replay this game I just break down crying when I hear the theme of Pallet Town. Oh how I miss the simpler times...

I have a friend who filled an 8GB flash drive with nothing but Overwatch pr0n and then he destroyed it

Score is high only because of nostalgia. I have so many good memories of playing this with my brother. Unsure if I have it in me to come back to it though.

Its fine but I never really got too into it

I adore SA1 with all of my heart, the low score for this is just because this is an awful port. Playing it without mods hurts.

I've played flash games for free that are better than this

My favorite fighting game ever

Yukari's hands in this game are so beautiful
Also there is a lot of gay tension and I kinda love it