Dated, but fun; Roland going "Critical BITCH" had me chuckling a few times

Bought for the Raid Mode, the only fun thing about it lol

The ONLY wrestling game where you can break your testicles, spend $25K and accidentally break another man's neck within the span of 10 minutes

I really like the third person combat, but that's all i can say for positives; first person combat is wack and I raged at one or multiple boss fights throughout the game, due to the switching between first and third person, while constantly having to dodge around rapidly, had to hang up the towel eventually.

I got this for $2 and I was still let down. Truly the weakest fighting game I've ever played.

I've never played a game that can't figure out what it wanted to be. The whole story is a mess, Campaigns are split between Action, Horror, Fighting, and Puzzles and unnecessary QTEs

If you ever play this, make sure you have someone alongside you for the rollercoaster of mediocrity

One of the most criminally underrated fighting games I've played growing up. I love the Arena/Point system, it's so unique compared to other games. For a fighting game that uses two buttons for attacking, there's something amazing about how each character plays differently than each other.

More people need to at least try this out.

Wanna learn how to do an infinite? If a character has a launcher combo, while inputting that, hold forward and your character (should work for all except Namekian) will do the attack but move forward to the opponent like a magnet and repeat the launcher.

(I'm Impressed that XV2 not only has a better combo game, but overall just more fun than this.)

Although its Vanilla Skyrim to its fullest, it still satisfies my skyrim tick every once awhile

It is natural tradition to suplex grelod the kind

Another game being damaged by having crunches and a small development timespan. Frame rate being intolerable and had the game crash 3 times on me, I still had a good time playing it. The open world and actually having the freedom to travel with having a better story to follow keeps this from being one of the weakest of the series.


When I first played this game, I had so much confidence thinking I could play this in one sitting, but I've been humbled. One of the most interesting games I've completed as whole and I wish I can experience it blind again.

This is one of the most underwhelming I've been playing MK, The story is a hot mess, the gameplay is just stiff and its too simplified (which isn't a bad thing) and the gear system. I'm fine for grinding gear or skins if it was an RPG, but this is supposed to be more of a fighting game, and this means that if this game ever shut down online, majority of the game's content would not be accessible


An Arcade-like, Hack & Slash, One hit kill, with cool music? Sign me up!

A visual novel with a Werewolf/Mafia (Or Among Us) twist. I really love how this game is replayable just for trying to solve things about the characters and gnosia itself. Characters are all very intriguing and can help you win or completely ruin a whole match. Would recommend