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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 2, 2021

Platforms Played


You know what? I actually really loved this, this game makes really clever and well-executed, as well as impressive, use of all the 3DS gimmicks and translates fatal frame combat pretty faithfully. You can tell they wanted this to be a bigger experience, as this includes a lot of things that are only used once or that appear to be there yet aren't (it does the collecting XP animation for no reason?), But I still had a lot of fun with all the puzzles and the surprisingly interesting story.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a reason to buy a 3DS or anything, but this was definitely a fun evening of spooky camera moments, and with extra modes that let you just do the combat or AR puzzles, it gives me reason to come back to it in future. If nothing else, this is basically all there is for horror representation on the 3DS and I'm glad it's one of the most '3DS' games there is, if you catch my meaning.
It's 2:30 in the morning now so I should probably get to bed, but I'm really glad I stayed up to get this all done in one sitting.

For negatives, there's issues with the AR, gyros, translation and voice dub but these are all things where, if you know what to expect going in then they're not really a bother. The real big issue is the hand-holding, each plot point is repeated to you in excess of three times each for minutes on end, and sometimes it doesn't trust you to remember the mechanics of the game so it stops you being able to use those mechanics in order to tell you about the thing it's stopped you from using to tell you this, it's really bad but not something that hugely impacts the experience.