5 reviews liked by GS_916

The Hindu culture is one of my favorite things and the likes of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita or Mahabharata are among my favorite pieces of literature.
That being said, a game about the hindu mythology/religion will always catch my attention and Raji is no exception.
Lets talk about the story.. it's nothing mind blowing but its alright. It's about a girl named Raji that goes on an adventure to save her little brother from the Demon Lord Mahabalasura.
Throughout her journey she is assisted by Durga and Bhagvan Vishnu, which is crazy because both of them are the narrators in this game, literally Vishnu, God himself is the narrator and he sounds great. In terms of voice acting, Durga + Vishnu are Great, Raji herself... not so much.
I loved how the game presented stories about different deities like Lord Shiva, the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu, Ganesha or stories about different events like the birth of the Nagas.
The scenery and backgrounds were beautiful but for what is worth, I think this game could have been better in terms of gameplay. I did not like the combat, I played about an hour of the game on normal difficulty and i must admit, I hate playing games on easy but it is what i did with Raji, I started the game again on easy just so i can enjoy the game more, I really didn't like the combat and i wanted it to be almost non existent.
Also, the upgrade system didn't make that much sense, to this day i still don't know what's the matter with it, its really rough.

I can recommend this game on a cheaper deal, its a nice 4 hours long game that's based around a culture/religion that should be featured more in video games as long as the games remain respectful and they don't mock the culture. A big percent of video games are either set in the USA or Japan so when i hear about a game that's set in a different place, im all ears. That's probably why Assassin's Creed is a comfort series for me, even if one AC game turns out to be mediocre, at least i get to explore a nice setting.

I could spend hours praising this game.

Instead I'll tell you this, play it, and after the tutorial go hunting for some animals.
Before you realize it you'll have sunk hours into this and you'll be an extremely efficient warrior addicted to skinning animals for upgrades.

This was a very surprising game, coming from the same people who made Rambo: The Video Game; Remember that one? it's that one really bad rail shooter with QTE cutscenes. Well, they made another licensed game, this time from Terminator, and this one is... surprisingly good. The gameplay loop is really fun, the sense of progression is really satisfying and the characters and story tie it all nicely. This game's dialogue is somewhat uninspired and cheesy at times, but, it does matter what dialogue options you choose for the ending you get. The animations are really bad, but it's obvious they didn't have access to motion capture studios, so they did all the cutscenes by hand, which takes longer, but is overall cheaper. Hoping to come back and play the DLC and the Infiltrator mode for this game and platinum it.

best fps game evermade.

hardcore stealth, wide terrains, tactical gameplay, realistic weapon use and the closest to real life mobility, satisfying game time, catchy characters, immersive scenario, exquisite level designs. amazing game..

I find its fluidity in presentation and gameplay to be comforting. Flawless is such a useless word in a critical context but as partially interactive cinematic spectacle it's just chef's kiss for me. It is a shame it's all in service of a nothing story, that it has nothing to say other than here is some more Uncharted. But it's kind of the best Uncharted you'll get.