First two kingdoms are solid, third and fourth kingdoms are pretty repetitive and it leads to the game feeling dragged out, but the ending of the third and fourth kingdoms are both very good and save them for me. Overall the ending of the game is pretty heartwarming and emotional and serves as a really good conclusion to not just the game, but also as an effective swan song to the Persona 5 sub franchise. I’m definitely a bit biased considering Persona 5 Royal is my favourite game, but this game is getting a 7 from me.

Used to love it but nowadays I find it kinda unbearable unless I play with friends

An improvement over Fallen Order in essentially every way besides arguably story. Unfortunately, it’s pretty buggy, which can hold it back from its full potential, and I think that in some ways it’s too much of a good thing (cough cough Koboh cough cough)

Good game, but I personally found it an underwhelming sequel to the first game (which is great). Hope the third game can get back up to the first’s level of quality.

While the story and cast may be lacking compared to the first game, everything gameplay wise from the first game is improved here. Makes for a solid smaller instalment in this franchise.