25 Reviews liked by Galesha

This was the first AC game I played and it got be hooked. I really love how you play during the French Revolution and can actually learn from it. The mechanics are quite ok right now.

It really got me confused, this game. And in a good way, because I think it is the goal of the game. And I also learned a valuable lesson in the end!

i really love the mysterious character, and I love to do most of the missions! except the Criminal Convoy missions, those are annoying. Sometimes i didn't understand the story, but it was exciting. I recommend playing it!

I really like that this game shows how the Brotherhood kind of started. And I love the charater Bayek! And the mechanics are really nice and especially the graphics are really good!

I really love the relaxing vibe of this game, and I got addicted. What is also funny is to see how others unpack the rooms.
You get hints to the story with small photographs and stuff, which is clever.

Just a really nice game where monsters are seen as monsters, but are actually kind creatures (this makes me really think of How to Train your Dragon!), with who you can become friends and fight evil.

The story and vibe really got be hooked! It is a thriller and very mysterious. Your choices have consequences, which I really like!

I completed the free part which I replayed multiple times, because I really love the vibe and that you have to think and use past and future to advance in the story!

I really love the concept, but it is challenging. Right now, I can't figure out how to advance in the story, though. It is really well thought out, I think.

I loved this game so much! The shooting and climbing mechanics feel really good and the story is very nice! I really, really recomend it! Next to all this, the graphics are also very beautiful! It made me want to search for treasure!