Pretty decent. Probably one of the best movie games I have played.

I enjoyed this so much more than I thought I would. Although it may be simple today, I really appreciate the tactical sqaud mechanics and the variety of weapons. Definitely a game I will be coming back to.

This has gone down as one of my favourite star wars games. I loved fallen order, but there were many aspects of that game that prevented me from loving it even more, such as a confusing map system and lack of customisation. Luckily, this was fixed in this game and I have ended up enjoying it so much more than fallen order.

Absolutely love this game. Such a simple but gripping story that keeps you anticipated from start to finish.

3D Sonic is Back! Sonic is a big staple of my childhood and this brings back all the memories! Such an enjoyable experience. A great story and really fun, now open world system which feels fresh but also sticks with elements of classic 2D and 3D Sonic. This is definitely a game I will be coming back too!

Probably the best DLC that I have played. A really fun, short story that brings back characters from the original game. Zombie mechanics are great and the combat is really fun. The main porblem are the glitches and bugs, esspcially the disappearance of peoples heads! I usually enjoy funny bugs like this but this caused problems with progressing through the game and left me forced to restart the game Numerous times. Overall, this a fun 3 hour playthrough that I will defiantly come back to in the future.

A game that means so much to me. One of the best stories told in a video game. Episode 2 and 5 still have some of the most impactful moments in a game. A true Telltale masterpiece.

The main outstanding factor about this game, just like the second installment, is the story. You won't mind the repetitive structure as the game makes you care about John Marstons Journey. The game looks fantastic for its time and the side content such as the bounty system and costume collecting is very enjoyable.

No words can describe how good this game actually is. This will forever be my all time favourite game. The story will captivate you like no other and make you care about every character and their motive, especially the protagonist Arthur. This is also one of the best looking games at the moment despite its older release date. Playing in 4k is one of the best looking experiences I have had on a console.