have a lot of potential, just need more content

Happy that they experimented new stuff on this game, removing the fixed camera gameplay which really suits the setting. Characters were well written and likeable. Really impressed by how many choices can affect the ending especially when you have to fail a QTE on purpose.
Death scenes were not as cool as Little Hope but that's okay, this one had a longer gameplay and a more content.

Close to perfection. One issue is that some parts feels dragged, especially the epilogue, I don't know why I'm complaining about more gameplay but I couldn't wait to see the credits roll when I was playing the epilogue, it felt like a chore.
Did not hit as hard as I was spoiled a lot of times and expected most of the stuff but it is still one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, even with a low tier graphics card.

Kind of disappointed, loved the idea of the game but it did not come out well. I know it's a small indie studio but most of the visuals don't match the narration and it's throwing me off and plus the game ends so abruptly that I thought it was a bug.

Played this as 3 player couch like Dark Pictures, we got the worst ending.

Oh My GOddd, this is one of the best gaming experience I've ever had. What a cinematic masterpiece.
This was my first Kojima game and at the start I was a little bit disappointed since it was mostly pure cutscenes and I was used to QTE in cutscenes, there is also no choice or dialogue options so there is only one ending. However, after a while it grew into me, and I treat it more like a film, and it is indeed a beautiful masterpiece of a film.
Soundtrack and the visuals were the two main things that I loved about this game. When the soundtrack starts during a walk on the green grass and river, oh my god, it feels so euphoric.
The story is also one of the best and unique writing in all of sci-fi games, and the casting... where do I start? Mads Mikkelsen, Margaret Qualley, Lea Seydoux..... too much... even Nicolas Wending Refn and Junji Ito is here.
But I can't lie, I was not really liking the combat, loved the walking and all but the fighting is just eh...
Despite that, this is now one of my favorite games of all time (top 4 maybe?) and I really can't wait for the Death Stranding movie.

What. A. Game.
The most realistic and immersive dialogue in a video game I've ever seen. I thought this was gonna be like Night in The Woods where there's no voice acting, just like an interactive novel, but I was wrong. I actually don't think there's any game with better voice acting or dialogue like this, after the first scene I knew this game would be a masterpiece.
However, the movements were chunky, NPCs were moving weirdly, and there were many bugs especially the config with controller or something, but it doesn't matter when the dialogue is THAT immersive. Definitely on my top 3 games of all time, even though I haven't even completed all endings.

too short, but it was pretty fun but not that good

THIS IS NOT A GAME! This is a storybook designed as a game. (i am not complaining)
One of the most creative way of telling a story, very vivid. Each story have different art styles which fit perfectly to their trauma and their personality. 5/5 creativity and the story is good but not a 5/5 story.
What a game, I actually don't think I will find another game that has this unique way of storytelling.

Generic camp horror movie made fun.
Only fun in couch coop, don't even think of playing alone.

Characters were less likable than Man of Medan but the setting is way better. The one thing I love the most is the death scenes; when a character dies, it zooms in on the monster eyes revealing the characters sins/flaws which is so fucking cool.
The ending is polarized, I understand why some people hated it but I personally liked it.
Overall, a very fun horror couch coop game, really glad that this studio make these kind of games since it's a very unsaturated game scene.