106 reviews liked by Giovanni

Oh this will definitely be decisive. Yes, the ending isn’t the best, it definitely could’ve been done better. Does that ruin the rest of this amazing game for me? Absolutely not, it’s still my favorite game in the series. Everything this game does, it does so well. The combat got updated to have more of the rpg elements that the first game had, they cut the party members to 6 again, so they get more time to shine and develop. The story is, so depressing honestly. It’s the build up of two others games finally coming to a head and it’s just, so depressingly beautiful. This game is never not gonna hit me in the feels. I could talk about this game for hours, I highly recommend this series to anyone who’s interested, trust me, it’s so fucking good.


I have a lot of feeling regarding Mass Effect 3. It is not only a huge RPG in of itself, but also represents the third and final entry into a trilogy of continuity. To keep things brief, I'll say that this game doesn't reach the heights of Mass Effect 2, which to me is not only an incredible game but also probably one of my favourite sci-fi stories ever.

Especially in comparison to its immediate predecessor, ME3 has poorer pacing of its gameplay sequences and a generally more unfocused narrative. However, this game's theme is that of sacrifice, and I believe it is handled extremely well. The highest praise I can give the story of the Mass Effect trilogy is that it somehow makes something as ridiculous as a "galaxy-wide" threat into something that feels relatively grounded and like you really understand the stakes. Shepard is a fantastic viewpoint into this world as an interplanetary ambassador and I had a blast playing through these games - I can't recommend them enough, especially these remasters.

One of the craziest games I've ever seen. It starts off all dark and edgy but it also has this funny, self-aware vibe about the stuff it's inspired by. I've seen reviews saying it's so bad it's good but it's so much more than that. It unexpectedly hits hard once the game reaches its climax and it does get (even more) ridiculous at some point, but I think it's the games strongest bit: being chaotic af.

Whether or not you like Deadly Premonition doesn’t matter. It’s completely understandable to dislike it, I’m certainly not as crazy about it as others are. The important thing is to engage with it sincerely, something you aren’t doing if you describe it as “so bad it’s good.” For all of its flaws, Deadly Premonition is a game with genuine charm created with sincerity by talented people. It is one of the most unique experiences in the video game medium, and to dismiss that by labeling it “so bad it’s good” is just lazy.

Olha sinceramente, eu acho muita sacanagem a desfeita que a Atlus faz dessa duologia, já que esses dois entregaram uma história que eu não imaginava ver na franquia persona.
Eu fico surpreso pq essa continuação é muito perfeita, ela melhora tudo em questão de gameplay do anterior e mesmo tendo um cast totalmente diferente ele ainda desenvolve esses personagens de um jeito maravilhoso, isso me deixou muito ansioso pra ver como podem trabalhar eles num possível remake. A espera pra eu jogar essas pedradas valeram a pena.

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