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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 29, 2022

Platforms Played


I can only hope that given enough time I'm left with just the good memories of this game. It's superb by 1991 standards. The exploration, feeling of progress, humour and charm are amazing. Putting it all together made it hard to put this game down.

But I can't help but be left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, and it all stems from the dungeons. At times it felt like the game was trying to frustrate me with the enemy placement, and at the worst of times it seemed that it was playing a practical joke on me. Having two levers - one that opens the path forward, and one that drops a bunch of enemies on you - is just... not fun. It's as if the game's comedy has a twisted side.

It's beyond good for the time. No question about that. Timeless? Hard to say. It's at least most of the way there. The highs are just so high compared to the lows. It really does suck you in! Heck, even the aforementioned dungeons have their shining moments. Just don't let that distract you from the cracks in the wall; You may just wander circles around Dark Palace forever...