My enjoyment of this game is inversely proportional with how serious I take the game. That is not fantastic for an esport.

society wasn't ready for this shit in 1997


got gold by only picking volibear

this game taught me a valuable lesson, don't make an arena fps. no matter how good it is, you will fail

they dropped this game for smite. smite...

more interesting than 99% of BRs

i don't get everyone's obsession with either hating or loving this game. the game is mid.

the game is mostly a strategy game in terms of picking upgrades but if you don't try to dodge you will just lose. the real fun comes from getting the evolved weapons but once you know the combinations it becomes a lot less engaging. there are a lot of unlocks to go for but i was bored before i could complete them all. theres also of course the progression system that i completely ignored when i played the game. i was able to beat the game with no upgrades and i think anyone criticizing the game for only being about numbers going up just didn't play the game for long enough to understand it.

overall its a small game that gets boring pretty quickly but for $2 I don't think it signifies the death of the games industry and there is a good amount of things to like here.

and to be clear, if you're harassing people for not liking this game you can go fuck yourself

Worst battle pass of all time but this game keeps sucking me back in

i tried playing this game and people started talking to me about the NFL and I said I only watch college football and they made fun of me. Would play again

This game will be 5 stars eventually

i never knew the rules so i used to just go all in and win by accident