Pikmin 2 2004

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 22, 2024

Platforms Played


A bit disappointing.

I've heard a lot of people rank this as the best in the series but I just can't agree. The game is practically the same as the first with an introduction of two new pikmin types, white and purple. The purple ones didn't really have any use the entire game other than carrying a heavy optional treasure thanks to their increased carry limit. Other than that I never used them as there was no need, they do have an ability to shock enemies for like half a second when you throw them since they're heavy but I don't find its worth carrying them for just that when you got red Pikmin. I did find myself using white Pikmin here and there, and thought them to be a cool addition. One of my favorite things about this game that wasn't in the first is this little detail of how the Pikmin occasionally sing when you travel with them, pretty adorable. The story is fitting, very simple involving repaying a debt through collecting treasures that resemble real life objects that were polluted, lots of Nintendo Easter eggs with these items. Overall the game is very similar to the first with less Pikmin related puzzles but more combat.

The main thing that brings this game down for me, and it's a big negative, is the only other addition which were the caves. I have no clue why they added dungeon crawling to this game and made it the prime focus. The caves have some randomness to it where floors have the same enemies and loot but the layout is rearranged every time you reload it. In theory it sounds cool and many games have done this by now but this one does not cap the bullshit. I would dive into a cave and be given a layout where a big black Bulborb is put right beside me that would commit genocide on my Pikmin before I can even react. I would then have to restart the game, load back in and hope for a better layout, this is all without a restart checkpoint or last save button so I would have to manually close the game, boot it up, and wait every time. There were some pretty cool bosses in these caves but all the bullshit with the random spawning really ruined it for me, it isn't even a skill issue just luck. Also some of them would take way way too long to finish with over 15 floors. I am very glad they took this out of Pikmin 3, I heard they do return in Pikmin 4, and I wouldnt mind this as long as they fixed this kind of thing.

Not a bad game but definitely has it's flaws, I should have stopped once I finished the main story rather than collecting every treasure. Still looking forward to Pikmin 4