If you're going through a difficult time in your life, play this game. It helps you realize that, despite the hardships, there are always reasons to keep going. (Plus, it's really fun.)

Why can't we have good Shrek games?

Yeah, no. The GBC games are better.

It's a really fun, but short (and I mean it, REALLY short) adventure. The combat is really satisfing and the Zorro-inspired ambiance is super funny and charming. Even so, I still think that there's something missing here. Probably more gameplay time or a more developed story, but it's still an awesome game. Go check it out.

This game is decent on its own – it's not perfect, but it's enjoyable and intriguing. However, as a remake, it falls short of expectations. I haven't played the Another Code game on the Wii, so I can't compare it to the original. But I can say that the DS remake doesn't quite live up to the original DS game, which sucks. The first Another Code is one of my favorite DS games. The story was engaging, and the puzzles, though somewhat easy, were fun to complete, some even utilizing the DS's unique features, like closing the device to mimic a stamp action.
Unfortunately, the remake misses the mark. The puzzles have been overly simplified or cut entirely, including the ones that used the DS's hardware. The storytelling also suffered; the pacing is off, with some parts rushed and others rearranged, making the plot harder to follow. This is especially true towards the end, where the climax and final revelations feel hurried and lose their impact.
As for the Wii remake, I’m just going to say this: Not all games need a sequel.
It’s still possible to enjoy these remakes. But if you're looking for the best experience, you might want to stick with the original Another Code on the DS.

I have no words.... I just love this game. Perfect.