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1 hr ago

Bells commented on Funbil's list Help me choose my next game to play
You are not immune to rocket slime propoganda

2 hrs ago

Aarooon followed falsenine

2 hrs ago

VideoGameTim finished Rabbit & Steel
Wearing its very clear inspiration on its sleeve, Rabbit & Steel takes many recognizable mechanics of FFXIV raiding and applies it to a side-scrolling rogue-like. Fight round after round of unique bosses as you float around to dodge attacks and keep up your own skill rotation.

There are a number of classes, and after each round you are scored based on your DPS. Even on normal (and in co-op up to 4 players) it is quite challenging and there are a lot of different attacks and mechanics to keep track of at all times. The music is tremendous and gives me vibes reminiscent of FFXIII, and it is very satisfying if you can make it through a fight without taking damage.

As it is highly replayable with a high skill ceiling, I certainly expect I'll be playing this for some time in the future. I only have a couple criticisms, one being that some key effects or buffs don't feel as visible as they could be, and in a game where movement is everything, items that reduce mobility feel like an immediate throwaway. But I want to keep at it and get better, if only to hear more of that soundtrack.

2 hrs ago

VideoGameTim is now playing Rabbit & Steel

3 hrs ago

cringeylazy completed Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
So i didn't realize I only had like 4hrs or so left when I put it on hold a couple months ago. I'm glad I came back to it as the end is by far the best part.
I'm not sure why I wasn't invested in the cast or plot enough to be moved like others especially as I am a very sensitive person usually. Very mediocre hard read up until the last couple hours where it got really good for me, which is rough considering it took me 34hrs to complete. But seems like the potential is there for the sequel at least.

3 hrs ago

4 hrs ago

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