It's just... perfect.

10 sugar cubes out of 10

Very good until you reach the ending, THAT thing photonically sucks.

Lot of flaws, bugs, horrible localization and almost non-existant QoL...

But I had fun with it and it's clearly made with Love so I don't care 🗿

I had fun with it but the story was kinda random.
The whole game is a huge reference to Labyrinth no Kanata, it has the same concept of "a girl who can't communicate with you because she speaks a strange language".
I wish there were more games with this idea

Storywise is a 11/10 , I appreciate the "gacha but not gacha" mechanic this game has but the gameplay kinda sucks...
Now i am just watching the story on youtube

I was interested in reading it but it's kinda unreadable with this horrible translation/narrative structure , I didn't even understand the BASIC story in 2 hours of gameplay.

The characters looks interesting and the art is cool, if you are russian or can understand it give it a chance it might be good.

I thought I was a skeptic, but I fooled myself

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How the fuck was Riehl able to communicate with her agency about the VIPs?

"Get her to school safely."

"999 roses surround me. No matter how many times I am reborn, I will always remember you"

A gold star for its story and characters, I really didn't expect some twists.
Gameplay is not that hard but for a casual gamer it might be, especially the final boss, the music is... strange but really enjoyable, I have to listen again some OSTs.
There is a annoying game loop untill the 4th ~ hour and it might results boring but after that part it starts to become really interesting.
Graphically's ups and down, with some really high peaks.


Cool story but stupidly complex with the ramification of choices.
The save function doesn't work nor the load from x chapter, you have to restart the game to load the chapter you want.