15 Reviews liked by GoodFriendJake





Solid game, but it just does suffer with repetitiveness and awful checkpoints. Great for what it was at the time but its just awkward these days.



there was a marketing line for Black - something along the lines of "Every Bullet is Your Baby." that is probably the best representation of Black you can ask for. outrageous, very surface level, extremely 2006, and, lets face it - really fun.

while parts of the game haven't aged particularly well - the control scheme is a little clunky, the graphics are very brown-grey (but with excellent particle affects!), and other parts of the game frustrates (some enemies are just the biggest bullet sponges), the game still feels great for all the reasons Burnout is fun to play. it doesnt take itself seriously, and you get to witness cool explosions has you hold the trigger for what seems like forever. there is a story, but while well presented and acted, it doesn't really matter, and can be safely ignored

i honestly wish there was a modern spiritual successor to Black. because, god is this game cool. and sometimes thats enough!



The most basic FPS joy out there with some of the best guns and sound design the genre has to offer. Play if you like constant gunfire and explosions, and why wouldn't you? In the game. Not in real life.



Most video games resemble a product where the sum of its parts is greater than the strength of each individual part. The best AAA games find a symphonic balance between strong narrative, distinguishing visuals, and enjoyable gameplay in a structure that is paced in such a way that there's a constantly alternating cycle. Shooters like Call of Duty are proof that constant gunfights can get exhausting or droll in repetition, while more story-oriented games are a great example of how long cutscenes or stretches of simplistic gameplay lead to a lacking interest and engagement in the game.

Doom is a game where the sum of its parts is worse than each individual part, or, frankly, one individual part. It's design is fairly flat and simplistic, like most shooters. There are two core components of the game--shooting, and traversal. Generally, every FPS follows this simple kind of design (although a few, like the Call of Duty games, might throw in an occasional stealth section). It works, right? You buy an FPS because you want to shoot a gun. You buy Wolfenstein because you want to kill Nazis. You buy Doom because you want to shoot the everliving shit out of small demons, large demons, and all the demons in-between.

Doom manages to elevate the shooting part of the shooting/traversal FAR above most FPS's. The past decade has seen a popular increase in cover-fire shooters that encourage cowardly play and overpowered weapons. Doom is certainly a reiteration of id Software's 90s FPS games and returns to the aggressive, fast-paced style of play seen in those games. You're encouraged to constantly move, especially as the threatening demons stalk you in this pseudo-pathfinding manner. Different demons are weaker to certain weapons as well, which encourages diversifying your gameplay style by constantly swapping weapons. Each weapon feels quite distinct too, and the spectacular Big Fucking Gun 9000 serves as a sort of "get out of jail free card" by dealing massive damage to every enemy in the room.

So...wherein lies the problem?

Doom never attempts to make the game interesting outside of the first few hours. Those first few levels are quite magnificent--new guns, new upgrades, amazing environments, and you're constantly discovering new enemies. But about halfway through, the game starts to lose that sense of innovation as its entire hand is shown, and you're forced to choke down several more hours of dreary gunfights. It suffers the same issues that most other FPS campaigns do--exhaustion and lack of interesting, engaging gameplay. Walk to the waypoint, shoot demons, walk to the next waypoint, shoot demons, rinse and repeat. It gets so repetitive that you can easily identify shooter arenas before you even enter them. Arenas are also particularly uninteresting. There are a few areas that experiment with verticality by making multiple-level arenas with quick ways to cross them, but most arenas are just self-contained loops with a few pillars and elevated areas containing health, armor, and ammo drops.

The game really suffers with the emphasized upgrades and side content system. Little runic challenges are scattered throughout the maze-like levels that promise upgrades, and upgrade tokens can be found for both your weapons and armor. Luckily, on easier difficulties, these upgrades are completely unnecessary, but they get more challenging to work around on higher difficulties. That traversal side of the shooting/traversal mentioned earlier becomes extremely exhausting and dull as you find yourself circling corridors trying to find some random dead body that has a keycard on it to move onto the next level. After the 6th or 7th mission, you've found everything the game has to offer and the game limps along for an additional 5 hours.

I never thought that a game like Doom could be described as "boring" but...yes, it is boring. The core gameplay is fun but my interest in it waned as the game progressed. Most shooting encounters didn't feel like intricately-designed, sprawling arenas, but rather dreary rooms with a small suite of grunt enemies and, say, one or two larger enemies. Even the boss fights are a snoozefest, with easily-dodgeable attack patterns and large hitboxes that you can rail against with a few different weapons until they die. While Doom may have been innovative and amazing back in the 90s, there's nothing that heavily distinguishes this game from the horde of uninteresting FPS's for me.







almost a good game, held back by memes and insecurity

doom (1993) is a game entirely focused on level design. you are 'exploring the level' at all times. combat encounters are part of the exploration. weapon pickups are part of the exploration. secret hunting is part of the exploration. every single action you take, sans the minutiae of combat (projectile dodging, bfg trickery, etc), is you engaging with the design of the level. you can beat every map in the game launched directly, with just the starting pistol and health. this is not an accident. levels are not scenes in a movie, or episodes in a show, but songs in an album. in this sense it (and doom 2, and quake) is much like an early mario, or sonic, or dungeon crawler. that hint of dungeon crawl is extremely important to doom; many spaces are designed to mess with you. you need to master the spaces to even finish the level. they're called "maps" for a reason!

doom 2016 is a game about systems. encounter design, weapon pickups, and secret hunting are all constrained based on how they want you to engage with the combat and progression systems. levels get cleaved into two modes: "looking around for stuff to unlock" and "boxed off combat." let me explain.

this game is structured around upgrades. in order to fully kit out doomslayer, you need to find all of the:
-points to unlock weapon mods (hot-swappable altfire modes, two per weapon)
-points to upgrade weapon mods (2-3 per weapon mod)
-"mastery" upgrades for fully upgraded weapon mods
-points to upgrade the praetor suit
-second type of points for second type of praetor suit upgrade
-runes (think CoD perk system, or old LoL runepages), unlocked for doing specific instanced challenges
-slots for runes, unlocked for doing an amount of instanced challenges
-"mastery" upgrades for runes

that's nine different types of unlock. nine. for reference, the only one of these systems in the original games is "finding the weapons."

these upgrades aren't tiny, either. there's no Path of Exile "+1.3% Shock damage to Undead type enemies (Melee only)" here. instead you're unlocking things like "weapon switch speed." "immunity to explosive barrels." "bullet penetration." "reload speed for your altfire." "maximum health." these aren't minor things, they are the fundamentals of the actual combat system, the sort of thing you argue about in a competitive game. and because the game is entirely focused on its combat system, this means you only get to start playing The Actual Game - juggling weapons with the actual swap speed, using the various types of weapon mod, being able to double-jump with proper air control, or do glory kills from full range - once you find the right number of these upgrades. it's maddening.

note i am saying "find." not "get," but "find." because, yes, the obsession with upgrade systems infected the secrets too. the upgrades , or the challenges you have to do to get the upgrades, are scattered around the levels in random dead ends, or vents, at the end of "platforming" segments, or occasionally in actually optional chunks of level. you are often given three paths, two which lead to objectives (sometimes the same objective) and one slightly hidden one which leads you to the body of an Elite Guard with a Praetor Token, or an Argent Cell, or a portal to a Rune Trial, or one of 48 collectible Funko Pops, or some other nonsense. i think this is done to make secrets "Feel Rewarding," compared to the original Doom, where you'd usually just be given full health and armor, or maybe a temporary powerup. but really, it does the opposite. you have to find secrets, or else you are going to be behind on upgrades, and the secrets can't be too secret or else people won't be able to find them. the automap marks them on the map screen before you even find them, because they know you are going to need them. so, you are not engaging with the design of the level. there is no feeling of solving a puzzle, or "getting the joke," or just finding something interesting. you are just checking things off a list in the corner of the map screen.

i can imagine some rebuttals to this. "you can just not get the upgrade points," etc. sure. they can also "just" not make me unlock half of the mechanics in the game. this is one of the oldest complaints about Devil May Cry (a game these designers are clearly enamored with), or God of War, or any other Action-First Action Game w/ this sort of system - "the game doesn't start until you unlock a bunch of moves," "why can't you just start with Enemy Step," etc. I am not really fond of DMC in the first place, but it does eventually become a very good game once you get over that hump. i do not understand why idsoft decided to triple down on this, instead. and either way, these "you control the buttons you press" type responses ignore the actual incentives set by the progression systems, which the designers were clearly quite excited about having come up with, what with it dictating every part of the game. nobody would make a complaint like this if they hadn't built the game in this way!

anyways, while you're scrounging for upgrade points, you will eventually find yourself in a Combat Zone. these are (either functionally or actually) boxed off areas where enemies spawn, repeatedly, for a certain amount of time, much like DMC, or Serious Sam, or Painkiller, or other games I don't really enjoy specifically because of this "boxes connected by hallways" format. but at least the actual combat you do in here is pretty good. ultraviolence difficulty forces you to do a lot of weapon swapping, a la Quake 3 rocket/clan arena mode, with the positioning dances of Quake 1 or a Halo. the glory kill system is cool and gives fights a nice ebb and flow. it's pretty fun! at least, once you unlock the fun version of the game, where you're able to do the weapon swapping and do glory kills from full range and take more than 150 damage before dying and and and...

actually, no, let's talk about the combat. it's the only thing this game has going for it, so i have to give it more than two sentences. i want to compare it, again, to doom 93, because its the only way to explain the differences between the two.

the combat in the original doom is extremely similar to arcade scrolling shooters - gradius, xevious, eXceed 3rd Jade Penetrate Black Package, etc etc. you can strafe, you can fire hitscan weapons, you can fire projectile weapons, you can fire slower projectile weapons that explode on impact. some enemies shoot hitscan, others shoot projectiles, others do melee stuff. the game mostly boils down to dodging projectiles, circle strafing, and occasional cover peeking. this is not a problem. it's simple, it's fun to handle, and given good level and encounter design, it can be incredibly fun and interesting. your ammo economy decisions happen across the entire level: "i won't use this weapon in this fight because i want to have ammo for it in the next fight, which has these enemies," etc. this is, again, a strategic decision that can be fun, or interesting, or stressful, or whathaveyou, in the hands of the right designer. in this way, Doom is closer to an older dungeon crawler than a modern first-person shooter. remember that the original inspiration for the id FPS games was Carmack seeing a demo of Ultima Underworld at a trade show, and going "I could do that, but faster!" Ultima Underworld is a very slow, simulationist game about having to survive in a locked dungeon. It was a direct response to Dungeon Master, which itself was a real-time, semi-simulationist take on the Wizardry/Bard's Tale/Might&Magic style of first-person party-based grid-movement dungeon crawler (if you've played Legend of Grimrock, you've basically played Dungeon Master). With this info, we can start to understand these early id games as a type of dungeon crawler. The first of the "real" FPS games they made, Catacomb 3D (Hovertank is a tech demo shut up), lifted heavily from Gauntlet, an early arcade Action RPG. Wolf3D is faster, more refined Catacomb. Doom is faster, more refined Wolf3D. Quake is... etc. This is why the level design is like that. This is why the item economy is like that, why Wolf3D had "meaningless" rooms where you pick up treasure, why you were meant to get lost. Even the "bumping into walls trying to find the last secret in the map" bullshit is lifted directly from Wizardry.

unfortunately, while making their weird arcade-action dungeon crawler, they also decided to give it a gory, hypermasculine speed metal aesthetic to complement its Blazing Fast Graphics. this opened them up to controversy, reinterpretation, and controversy-fueled reinterpretation. Doom, a game where you stumble your way through weird pitch black corridors filled with nonsense monsters, became something you played to prove you were a Real, Hardened Man of a 17 year old. (yes, it always had the chainsaw, the rampage powerup, the gore sprites - i've played it dozens of times, I know). this feedback loop brings us to the doom comic.

in 1996, which I want to remind you was four years after doom came out, Marvel released a one-off Doom promotional comic. it cold opens with Doomguy punching a bunch of demons while dropping bad one-liners. "I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness!" "Knock knock, who's there? ME!" etc. on page 3, Methguy finds himself a cyberdemon. he exclaims, "You are huge! That means you have huge guts! Rip and tear! Rip and tear your guts!" And then he, well, who cares. Nobody cared at the time, at least. Only a few more people cared after Lowtax (eugh) dug it up for a Planetquake article 5 years later. But eventually, through the power of memetics, the phrase "Rip And Tear Your Guts," a dumb one-liner from a comic nobody had ever read, became the soul of Doom, to a certain kind of person. When the mod "Brutal Doom" came out in 2010, and added fancier gore, headshot mechanics, Mortal Kombat fatalities, and a bunch of other superfluous dumb shit, that impression of Doom went well beyond the Doomworld shitposters and landed straight in people's Youtube recommendations. That, I'm fairly sure, is how Doom 2016 ended up more inspired by a line from an ad than the actual game it's actually meant to "reboot."

The opening cutscene of 2016 ends with the line "rip and tear until it is done." The glory kill, the game's Clever Mechanic, is a "rip and tear" button. That's not to say it's not fun. Being able to turn enemies into health is cool, and keeps the game from feeling as bland as other "boxes in a row" shooters. But it serves that meme revisionism just as much as it serves the game design. This game is not in conversation with Doom. It is not building on what id was doing with Doom. It does not "bring Doom forward to a new generation." It is an adaptation of one single panel from a shitty advertisement comic book the creators had no hand in, by way of mechanics from "Character Action" games and the worst Eurotrash shooters of the mid 2000s. This frustrated me in 2016, and it frustrates me now, years after the initial disappointment wore off.

so. the level design sucks. the cutscenes suck. (have i mentioned this game has unskippable cutscenes? they're bad!). the sections where you have to stand around and listen to someone tell you that someone is trying to access someone's secret files through the Vega terminus in the ruins of the Archon reprocessor core or whatever before you can start playing the level, suck. they even do that Whedon thing where the protagonist, in world, gets mad that someone would have the gall to make him sit through an exposition dump in a Doom game, in the first five minutes of the game, and then they keep fucking doing it! the platforming, something they stuck in here even having eighteen years to take a semicritical look at Half-Life, also kinda sucks, until halfway thru the game when you find the challenge to unlock tier 1 of the perk that gives you vaguely Quake air-control instead of Halo floatiness. really, every part of the game, outside the boxes where you're doing combat, is either bland, or annoying, or Actively Bad. and the combat's only good once you've spent a few hours dealing with the upgrade system, which also sucks. the most fun I've had is cranking the difficulty in arcade mode, which lets you skip most of that fluff. not all, just most. i dunno, man!

I am sure the people who were peeing their pants over this game in 2016 were doing so sincerely. but i find myself wondering how many of them had played the original game, or how long it had been since they'd done so, and what they would say they liked about it if asked, because absolutely none of what's kept that game fun, interesting good for thirty years is present here. just download some mods for that instead.



RAGE is one of those games that had real potential to be something great, but ends up falling short. The graphics are some of the best I've seen this gen. The music is serviceable, and the gameplay is solid. The story is nothing special and the ending is absurdly bad. I feel that perhaps the devs spread themselves too thin trying to make the game more than just a FPS, because in the end the best developed area of the game is the racing. No joke, it's almost as good as a full racing game.



Tinha tudo para ser um Mad Max dos jogos mas acabou sendo desperdiçado com um mundo aberto vazio e morto, história mais ou menos e um combate legalzinho.



The fact that the main thing people remember from this game is a hot chick near the start of the game should tell you all you need to know about its quality. Pretty fun for the first couple of hours due to the decent gunplay and good character animation but it gets old fast. Also the most abrupt non-ending of any modern game.



The shooting mechanics are rock solid and RAGE constantly gives you fun tools to work with.

The racing I could do without and the game ends on a real "what the hell just happened" note. Overall this was stronger than I expected.

It almost manages to recapture that Left 4 Dead magic, but there's just something missing. It doesn't feel quite right. Shame.

"Here I was about to execute this poor bastard like some dime store angel of death and I realized they were correct, I wouldn't know right from wrong if one of them was helping the poor and the other was banging my sister..."

Genuinely baffling to me a game like this exists, literally the game version of Man on Fire.