Had this game as a kid and used to really like it. I love all of the crazy crossovers. There are a lot of fun levels in this game. The open worlds for each franchise are fun to explore, but they can get a bit repetitive. My biggest problem with this game is how it requires you to move the figures around the portal thing. Just feels extreme clunky and claustrophobic.

I remember this game being better, but also worse than the 1st game. The toy box is improved, which is great. The play sets are fun, but they're too similar to one another, whereas the first game had more variety. Load times are atrocious.

Remember getting this game for my birthday. Me and my friend had a sleepover that night, and we spent almost all of it beating the shit out of each other at Cinderella's castle with the starter pack characters. One of the best nights of my life.
Other than that the game is decent, but the Wii version (which is what I had) was very limited in terms of the things you could do in the toy box. Play sets were pretty fun though.

This came out when I was still in my Skylanders phase. A lot of fun at the time. I remember playing it with my best friend at the time. I remember I had the not so good Wii version on a CRT but regardless, I still have good memories.
Also the idea behind the swap force figures is just great.

This was my favorite Skylanders game as a kid. IDK why though. Super nostalgic for me.

I was obsessed with this game as a kid. Looking back as an adult I see a lot of flaws, but it still holds a special pace in my heart. Thanks for the memories.

Remember playing this game with my dad on the Wii as a kid. Good times...

Loved playing this as a kid. Felt awesome having this living, breathing city I could take anywhere I went.

There's not much too it, but I think it's great for what it is. Art style is very nice as well.

Played this game on my phone and honestly, in that format it's a lot of good, simple, fun. I love the open world, and it's cool to see how this legendary series began.

Of the MegaTen games I've played, this is my favorite. SMT4 had more of an impact on me personally, but I like this one more overall. The Schwarzwelt is a great setting. I like seeing a JRPG with an adult cast, that know what they're doing. I like the crew fight amongst themselves, it adds real drama to the story. Speaking of said story, it's very good. I feel like the more you look into it, the more you appreciate it, and the more you really start to think (and I'll leave it at that for now).
The combat is great. In this game, if you use demons of the same alignment (including your alignment), you'll get extra hits in if you hit an opponent's weak spot. I love this system because it makes party construction more interesting, since it gives you something you can build around, and makes you use demons you wouldn't normally use. That being said, I hate the stone status condition.
Dungeon crawling is fun. There are some annoying parts but overall I like it.
The game is hard, for sure, but I really think Atlus nailed it here.
As always, demon collecting/fusion is fun and I learning about each and every one of them. However, demon negotiation is WAYYYY better in this game. It's more focused on learning the demons personality and picking up on patterns, whereas in a lot of other MegaTen games it's mostly RNG.
This game's OST is also spectacular.

I would love to go deeper into this game, but I'll try to keep it brief to avoid spoilers.
This game. It's very interesting. Combat is just great, super satisfying and fun, and I love the press turn system, it's awesome. Demon collecting and fusing is fantastic. The demon designs are awesome and I love learning about their real-world origins. The world design here is just perfect, and the environment is spot-on. I love how this game makes you piece things together about it and come to your own conclusions, making your decisions feel more impactful when you come to your ending (it's also fun to explore). I've only gotten one ending so far, but I still think about it over a year after playing. It also isn't afraid to get strange at times, which I really like. This game right here is one of the ones that has changed my views on how games can be designed, and how stories can be told within the medium of gaming.
That being said, it's not perfect. I think the smirk mechanic is annoying, demon negotiation is just RNG, which gets on my nerves, and there other BS moments that'll pop up from time to time.
However, this game has one of the best game OSTs I've ever heard. English dub is also decent.

Very solid racer, I just wish there was more to do.

This is game annoying asf. The charm is the only redeeming quality