I personally prefer 3D Land's smaller, more concentrated levels, but overall 3D world is a really solid little platformer. Bowser's Fury is also pretty fun, but it does have some frame rate issues.

I'm gonna get shit for this, but I just do not care for this game. I just do not think it had aged well. Should be noted I have no nostalgia for this game.

For 2 bucks you can't go wrong with it.

A little frustrating at times, but still very very good.

Unpopular opinion, I like Plague of Shadows more than Shovel of Hope. I think the bomb system was very interesting and innovative.

This game was good and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

Thought this game was just okay on my first time through, but on my second time I really came to appreciate it.
This game is amazing.
I feel like every aspect of it comes together to form something truly special.

This game is cool, and it's very unique. I really like how you can see what's going on in each part of the house at a given time, and piece together the story.
That is, in theory. As Scott the Woz pointed out, you can't really enjoy that aspect of the game because you're too busy trying to catch the vampires so you don't lose.
This game ain't great, but I have a lot of respect for it and the ideas presented.

Very good kart racer, tons of fun memories playing this at school or with my family. Online is surprisingly good for a Nintendo game. Great graphics and music, too. Just wish there was an option to reduce the number of CPU's in battle mode.

It's nothing special, even in co-op. The level design is a huge step back from Planet Robobot. It's quality, but not worth $60. Graphics are really nice, though.

Fun, but very repetitive. Gets old after a while.

Picked the Blue Lions route, and loved the game. Combat is amazing. It's very simple for those new to turn-based strategy games (like me), but also has plenty of depth for those who want to dig deeper. The story (at least in the route I took) is amazing, but I don't want to get into spoilers. Dimitri is an amazing character. The mix of combat and social-sim is done very well here, much better than Persona 5 in my opinion. The English dub is pretty good and the music is also great. My main issues with this game are the visuals and the performance. I hate to say this, but the game looks like crap while at the same time having a frame rate that really struggles to keep up. If the game had more time in the oven, Intelligent systems could have improved both of these things and made a true masterpiece.

It's not perfect, but I respect this game a lot. I think the puzzles are done very well, and they really engage your brain. I love the PS1 inspired visuals, and the atmosphere is great, alsong with the . The music is some great stuff as well. Some of the dialogue is good, other times it's not. I feel like attempts made to be serious/edgy end up feeling juvenile. Maybe the goal was humor? But I didn't find the game particularly funny.
Without getting into spoilers, some of the endings are cool, others are intended to be funny/non-serious, while others, as I said before with the dialogue, kind of fall flat.
But overall I liked this game.

Good story, good combat, good exploration, good graphics, good characters, lots of great features, lots of good content. Everything you'd want from a JRPG. Although, I wish the music wasn't so repetitive. Also the enemy designs are just amazing.