Ayo The Clown does a great job being a classic plataformer game. A cute story with cute characters and a lot of toy gathering. A game for kids and adults who like classic casual 2D plataformer games (like me). Clearly inspired by games such as Super Mario Bros, Sonic, Pacman and other classics but with unique features as well. It's worth a try. (=

I've beaten this game more times than I should've and as far as I can tell it's a good game. I know, I know, it's old and its mechanics are bad, but Altaïr is such a great character, and even being repetitive, I had a lot of fun playing it. The main missions (assassinate the 9 targets) as well as the final fights are the gold of this game to me. Side quests sucks badly, but whatever. I've collected all flags but it's such a pain to guide ourselves based on maps on the internet. My recommendation is to play the game just for story and targets, don't bother doing all side quests. And please remember: Nothing is true; everything is permitted. (=

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I love the usage of philosophy in this one. Gameplay is good, too. I didn't beat the three colosseums and the secret bosses (Platinum & Square's CEO's). Didn't get Ending E as well, but that's fine.