8 reviews liked by GreenGreninja7

You will never be as cool as the blue rap men.

just inject rhythm heaven into my viens at this point dude

Coming off from Halo 1, this is an amazing improvement. Combat is much faster, levels don't slog on and are actually visually distinct from one another. Many of the guns feel a lot better to wield (except for the shotgun RIP) and playing as the Arbiter, while not much different to Chief in terms of gameplay, is really great to see the Covenant's side in the war.

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the main villain of this game uses incest as a strategy which is kinda funny

Enter the Gungeon is quite possibly one of the most beautiful tributes to video games I've ever had the pleasure to play. It's a beautiful blend of bullet hell and roguelike which works in a way I could've never imagined, and the insane pool of guns and weapons includes references to quite possibly every video game that has ever existed. And before you ask, YES: that does include Galaga (as if the whole game wasn't already a reference to the king 😉).

Tetris Effect takes the tried and true Tetris formula and coats it with a vibrant and at times jaw dropping new job of paint. Gorgeously detailed areas, popping particle effects, overpowering ost performances - it all blends together to create an experience unfamiliar to me in video games, but one I most welcome.

It's a huge shame though with how safe they play it in terms of the gameplay. The new freeze mechanic adds a nice layer of strategy but it's basically Tetris for 4 hours straight and that's it. I feel like they could have done so much more given how expressive the game already is, even if it is still fun (Challenging as well. On normal difficulty, I was having a bit of a challenge; the faster pace in some of the levels towards the end was a bit disappointing as well as it was harder to focus on the mesmerizing visuals.)

Despite it slightly disappointing me from the promising start, Tetris Effect is a beauty of a title that everyone should experience at least once in their gaming careers. You can tell the developers truly cared for the source material and aimed at creating something special, even if it was was way too safe in areas it shouldn't have been.

How weird and charming. Loses momentum leading up the end, but it has a weirdly solid climax. Most egregiously, there's not a compelling reason to catch any Bugsnax you're not explicitly asked for! A bit finicky on the control side, and I would have loved to see more proper puzzling, but an enjoyable experience overall.

Oh, and also: Bunger bunger bunger bunger!