This is basically Tropical Freeze so I need to pick it up again at some point. I couldn't get into it but I'm sure I'd love it if I gave it a proper go.

The music in this game drives me absolutely crazy. I wanted to kill myself by the end of the game.

However I do need to give this game credit for introducing the sexy milf Birdo into the Mario universe.


I have very fond memories of this game so I'm curious as to why everyone either dislikes it, or just downright forgets it's existence.

I did get stuck at some point though.

Played on NSO.
Mario probably wouldn't be as big of a phenomenon as it is today without this game. Having said that, I'm not really a fan of this entry.

Practically everything in this was improved in World, and therefore this one was made redundant in comparison.


It's good enough for what it is. Obviously it can't compete with modern games but I could pick this up any time and have an enjoyable experience.