Overwatch is a uniquely terrible game. I played it for many years so I would know. The league of legends formula taken to shooters with none of the toxicity withdrawn.

Overwatch was playable at one time, but the tanks meta from 2017- Overwatch 2 then Overwatch 2 demolished what hopes there was of the game every being fun again.

Playing as a healer is not fun, playing as dps is not fun. Tanks are just DPS with more health.

Fuck this game

Death stranding turned out to be a highly influential game since the year it came out. While I may have found the story to be a little nauseating and the core loop to be a bit boring. Death stranding by focusing on elaborating as much as possible on a gameplay loop oriented around getting from point A to point B did something quite different than any other game up until that point.

I can see the engineering focused infrastrcutre design mechanic reflected in games like tears of the kingdom. The gameplay oriented around delivering supplies felt eerie in hindsight upon the advent of the pandemic.

Would I recommend this to someone to have a fun time with a game? Absolutely not, but if you want to experience a unique artistic experience. Jump on this one.

I always tell myself that I like this better when I don't think about it like a remake and instead as a new title in the resident evil franchise.

I feel as though this game had an impossible task, it can't be as revolutionary as the game it's remaking and it had to reshape itself to suit modern sensibilities.

Combat wise, I like it. It's very mobile, you are always fighting off small armies of ganados with an assortment of very powerful weaponary and now you can do parries and use stealth.

What I don't like is that the environments feel like they have lost a bit of soul with the high gloss RE engine rendering everything in such high definition. There was something so captivating about the always brown and blurry envrionemts, it was like I was in a deranged sepia toned spaghetti western action movie. Also it had these blaring overcompressed sound effects which were characteristic of ps2 era sound design.

Well now I am complaining about what this game doesn't have.

Ok I am gonna keep complaining, the mercenaries mode sucks ass. It's not hard enough, you can get a score even if you die. That shit sucks.

Salazaar boss revamp is good, I like Luis staying alive into the third act. Third act is good in general.

Game is sufficently difficult, I just miss the old atmosphere.

I feel like it's corny enough, they rewrote the dialouge a bit to make the story feel a little more serious, leon is about 75% less corny.

Seperate ways was chill, I don't hate Ada's voice acting like everyone else. I like the grappling hook to skip around the game.

Yea it's chill

Hits hard in everyway it could, the map was revamped so you walk from one place to another. There is a flesh peeling mechanic that adds just the right amount of sauce to an already sauced up mechanically sound action horror game.

Impossible mode was sick, took me like 8 times to do it. Stress inducing, turns the game into a tactical RPG.

Minor story changes add up a lot. Giving Isaac a voice was an inspired choice, Isaac in the original had enough characterization where you couldn't really imprint on him lol.

What is there to be said about the greatest video game of all time up until this point.

I started playing dark souls in 2013, I remember seeing a trailer for bloodborne at the end of 2014 and immediately being captivated. I already had been through the barrier of dark souls difficulty by the time I had played bloodborne.

I could not anticipate that I would play and beat this game more times than I had with any other game. In terms of atmosphere it is unmatched, in terms of gameplay it was revolutionary for souls games(people retroactively went back to dark souls games and started playing with no shield). I believe it started a minor cultural obsession with cosmic horror and HP lovecraft. Perhaps it is the most memetic of Miyazaki’s games, the story that can be mapped to endless things. Capitalism, interfamilial conflicts, cults, the cycle and abuse of power.

Bloodborne’s pacing and environments just cause you to feel like there is a darkness in the room with you in the most positive way possible. A palatable cloud of horror and hopelessness. Shadows hide beings with twisted husks that parody anything resembling a creature of reality.

Bloodborne’s weapon system, with its signiture parry mechanic make this game a joy to master. In the 8 times I have played through it I have never repeated the same build.

Even the game’s chalice dungeon system is an interesting idea. Once grinded through enough you can use codes to find the games most powerful upgrade gmes which significantly increase power. Min maxing was a surprisingly enjoyable experience.

With its superior art direction, environments, story told through those environments(people are still making new discoveries about the story through vidoe essays?), unique gameplay, and memorable enemies and bosses, bloodborne is a must play experience for any lover of games.

To this day, one of the only games I have modded. I dubbed over all the worm voices with my bad napoleon dynamite impression lol.

Sf5 very much the most average entry of the franchise. 2016 when I was not even playing any games, SF was released to lukewarm to outraged audience perception.

The game released with barebones features, peak ugly 3d graphics, underwhelming and small cast of characters.

To top it off, a free to play style of unlocking characters in a game that you have to pay for. Yikes

However over the years, people somewhat warmed up to SF5 as people have tended to do for most entries in the franchise.

For myself the crush counter system made SF5 a very turtlely and defensive experience(something many offense obsessed fighting game fans hated). It's quite a slow paced game really.

However the game has a more robust and fleshed out combo system than SF4 which was quite barebones in comparison. Overall it was a step forward and back for the franchise.

Horrifying dogshit of DLC. Capcom's worst ideas.

Repackage so much of the content from the great RE8 into a boring slog. Don't play this

Surprisingly fun, reminds me a lot of gears of war in terms of pacing. Even better with coop

Not as good as SF3 but better than SF5. The mainline series first entry into 3d was my entry into it. Super street fighter 4 was my first fighting game I took seriously. It had a large roster filled with fun and intriguring characters(Hakan, simply an incredible character).

I learned the fundementals of fighting games(remember to anti air, don't get anti aired lol) with this game.

Capcom really didn't nail 3d until SF6 so this game looks kinda nasty. Combo trails and arcade mode made it a fun package.

Online play was ok with a wired connection, in it's heyday there was no shortage of good competition.

I am not too crazy about the combos in this game, combos were somewhat situational in early street fighter games, sf3 and sf2 had very specific combos your character did in very specific situations). SFxT was the start of introducing template like combos which the series ended up keeping around for 5 and 6.

Overall wonderful game with very happy memories attached to it.

I feel like they had fun making this, very silly game. I liked getting a more of the same sequel to the incredibly spirited neversoft spiderman game.

This game is fucked, don't play it.

Flanders is so cheap jesus christ