Midi music fire branded into my subconscious

I will return to the Alpha Zones one day.

Beautiful. Sad. Mysterious. And also hard AF.

Underrated classic. Also a great game for kids with its weirdness.

This game is brought to you by the letters A,S,M and R

Does it count if you beat the Tiger Electronics LCD handheld version of this?

Always wondered if anyone else's copy had the glitch where it stopped saving progress?


I wonder if my Patrick Bateman Habbo is still accessible

Chaotic nostalgia porn in all the right ways.

Think I'm the only one who loves the music from this.

I really tried my preteen ass off to beat this one on Lynx.

Cool opening music. That's the tweet.

"Have you met mah dad? hE's tHe mAyOrrrrrrrrR"

Had a ton of fun with the multiplayer on this back in the day.