
Games in which you can be polyamorous, or in which there is polyamorous representation between NPCs.

Polyamorous triad romances you can have:
- Tammy and Suzy

Open relationships you can participate in:
- Eden and Mr. McGee

All love interests are fine with you seeing other people as well as them.
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Max and Delacroix
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Ortega and Steel
- Ortega and Argent
- Ortega and Herald
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Alvis and Verity
Polyamorous relationships you can have:
- Pascha and Danelak
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Beaumont and Trevelyan
- Dominique and Javi

Poly-adjacent relationships you can have (can romance these characters concurrently, but they don't particularly acknowledge each other nor are they together):
- Beaumont and Dominique
- Dominique and Trevelyan
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Straasa and Morkai
- Morkai and Daelynn
- Daelynn and Eledwen
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Venuma and Breeze
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Venuma and Breeze
Polyamorous romances you can have:
- Venuma and Breeze


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