greatest game of all time

"PAUNCH, in essence, is not a game but a lesson. A lesson that teaches us about what it is to be human, and our inherent flaws. The actual meaning of the word 'paunch' is a large stomach (like the belly of Bob, the being we play as), however it is more obviously a play-on-words of the word 'punch.'

The duality of the title is representative of what the game stands for, showing us that as humans, we have two sides to us. One being the side that we like to display to others - the one we are proud of. Our other face is the one we keep to ourselves, as it is far too twisted to be deemed acceptable. The goal of PAUNCH is to bring that second personality to light, acting as a microcosm for society and showing the true evil of mankind and its innate ability to seek out violence.

This message is clearly demonstrated in how punching is an involuntary action within the game. It is beyond our capabilities as humans to refrain from violence, how we automatically treat others around us with hostility. The second anyone comes close to us, we lash out with agression." -zeebarbeelbamboozlezebubage

loved this game when i was younger, gets way too repetitive after a while

good storymode, but you can cheese the last area with a little bit of grinding.
splatoon 3 has lots of great additions to the series including frequently unstable servers

great game, even greater with friends

you can tell if your're going to like this game within the first hour. pretty much the whole game is the same as the start, i still enjoyed it though

fun but they got rid of arenas

really fun game with a slightly challenging learning curve for players new to the genre
4/5 too many smurfs in comp