Physics were horrible but I was just happy to be playing a new F1 game at the time after being stuck playing F1 06 for 3 years

First video game I bought with my own money, saved up for months leading up to it's release and it absolutely lived up to the hype for 9 year old me

First person to review this game it seems. 8 year old me was absolutely obsessed with this game, I can't even begin to imagine how many hours I sunk into it

Nostalgia probably plays a big part with this one as it was my first F1 game

Hadn't cared about COd for a long time but both the online and campaign were really fun

First Modern Warfare was better but this is pretty good

Took me until 2020 to finish but it was worth it

My first COD and still probably my favourite

The game that got me to buy a switch

Probably the best sim out there with the best ranking and penalty system outside of iracing but GT3s can get a bit tedious

Kinda janky physics but good fun. IndyCar was what kept me coming back to it