The fact this game still has as many active players as it does speaks for itself

Peak 4X. I'll still play this over Civ 6

With mods this is one of if not the best racing sim ever made

Doesn't have the physics of RBR but it's far more polished and accessible for the average player

My favorite 3D sonic game, it's not perfect but it's great fun and the soundtrack goes hard

Never been big on Mario as a franchise but this absolutely lived up to the hype

Perfection, yeah the frame rate on PS2 was pretty bad but 8 year old me didn't care one bit

This game is the reason I'm friends with my current friend group. As much as it has fallen off, the early days of this game are some of my best gaming memories

Not perfect but I had hours of fun playing this whilst I was at uni

I hate this game and I can't put my finger on why