Good fun with friends and nails the feel of Aliens whilst incorporating lore from Prometheus/Covenant as well as elements of Isolation such as Seegson synthetics, etc

Not many changes from the original release but the changes they have made are solid quality of life improvements. Being able to take floating carriers on ziplines has to be the biggest improvement. I've found myself taking much more time building infrastructure and completing side quests on this play through than my first playthrough.

It's the best rally game ever in my opinion. Emphasis on game because RBR still holds the title for best rally sim. Regardless it's an absolute joy to drive. The only thing holding the game back right now is how hard it is to run on PC.

Desperately needs a modern reboot

Still the best depiction of DTM in a racing game

I unironically love the music and the art style has aged brilliantly for an early 3D title

My first WWII FPS, hasn't aged well compared to some FPS games of the era but for the time it was amazing

I played this game for hours on end but the lack of a career/story mode is really bad in hindsight

I grew up with GT4 and never really played this until well after it was 'current' so I don't really have any attachment to it but I can appreciate it for what it is

Framerate chugged hard on PS2 but 8 year old me didn't care, unfortunately I never finished it and have never done so on later attempts

It's a 5 if you discount the night time missions

Good until my save corrupted as I reached the final boss

Absolutely batshit crazy and I love it, unfortunately not many people are still playing it