3 reviews liked by HannaTarScab

this is my favorite game ever and is the reason i got back into gaming after so long. one of my dads friends got me dmc 5 for christmas and i thought it was cool but nothing really stuck out to me. then after i graduated high school i downloaded the dmc hd collection of the playstation store and holy shit was i hooked. i’m really bummed out they cut out the whole gothic setting and aesthetic of the first two games as i much prefer them to the cheesy action aesthetic of 3-5. if you know anything about dmc 1 you’ll know the reason why the first game is so different from the others is because it started life as the prototype to re 4 and you could really fucking tell that. the fixed camera angles a lot of backtracking and the use of keys the music and it’s so dope and makes it one of the most unique action games i’ve ever played although some mfs complain about the fixed camera angles which i mean get good at the game lol. another thing that i like about this game compared to other dmc games how much less shit there is in the game. there’s only two devil arms and if you farm enough red orbs you should be able to get every move for alastor (i use alastor for mode and ifrits on hard mode and i would recommend the same) i get in later games it’s for replay value but honestly i would rather much just replay the whole game rather than certain levels. i also love how this game doesn’t throw a boss at you every level too it creates a new sense of pacing and it feels more realistic fighting the same boss three times i feel like this getting too long so i’ll end it with this. if you bitch about the underwater levels you’re fucking gay lol

DLC for a racist white people game

I used to think the idea of doing rap battles by reapeting everything your opponent says was pretty dumb, but now I realize how wrong I was. First of all, they're not battles, they're classes; all the characters are mentors who are teaching PaRappa, so you learn from them by doing as they do. However, they all tell you right before their songs to NOT just repeat them, to come up with your own stuff; that's because that is the best way to learn not just music but everything in life: you CAN just repeat everything your mentors do and get by with that, but to truly grow and improve, you have to take what you learn and remix it, modify it and make it your own, take your master's techniques and change them up and combine them to make a new unique, never-seen-before style. And don't forget to have fun while you do it too.