Delightfully linear, and fast paced. A lot of it seemed a little ridiculous, but it was constantly fun and engaging so it's a good experience. I hope they make Still Life 3 where you get to see Gus die a horrible death though unless that happens in 2 but it probably doesn't anyway I think he's probably old by that point so it's not really bad and I don't like Gus much anyway he's probably my least favourite adventure game protagonist.

There's some interesting parts, and it's structure is much better than the previous entries. But it's ridiculously impossible.

Does a lot of things really well. The possibility of death isn't so bad when there's a moderate healthbar to lower first, and it's actually fun to replay the stage perfectly after draining the energy bar down while still experimenting.
I really loved it at first, though it gets a bit tiring to play too many stages at once, and there's a bit of waiting when you need to move multiple character around, even if it is only in one screen. Pathfinding's flawed too, but bearable.
Definitely a lot more modern in feel than pretty much any other game from that time though.

Uses the adventure game genre as the framework for the craziest character interactions ever conceived. Most of the puzzles are stupid, but they're generally solvable (none of them would ever be done by any actual human in reality, though). The biggest issue is actually the pixel hunting, which can be annoying at times. The engine has some technical issues too, but as long as you stay in the application without tabbing out, it's survivable (even when it feels like it could crash at any second).
Looking forward to playing the more genuine House of Tales games.

Significantly better than the first two.

Fun to play, though simple. While the characters all play quite differently, it's a bit repetitive to play the campaign as all of them in quick succession, though they're very short. The important part is that it's fun though.


Capcom Disney might be the best game genre.

Easily the worst murder mystery plot ever written.
Does a lot of unusual and counter-intuitive things, which makes sense considering its originality, but it's mostly playable. Not really sure how the forest worked though, had to look that up.


Amazing how it goes from one of the most relaxing games of all, to the opposite end of the spectrum. The sound effects in particular are very soothing, but the further you get on, the more you encounter a feeling of dread as seemingly unsolvable situations are involved, with more intersections of colours, and more to lose when you accidentally click on the wrong side of the chain...... basically, it's best towards the start when it's nice and relaxing.
The rise in difficulty isn't particularly fun in my opinion, though people with different taste might find otherwise? So long as you don't attempt to ever use trial and error.

I thought it would turn out to be very obviously actually a simulator that is supposed to discredit conspiracy theories. It didn't turn out that way.
It's definitely way more entertaining than it should be, unfortunately.