Great game, with an insane amount of choices/paths; it's an amazing concept, executed well; the graphics, art direction, and a great soundtrack make the game feel like a cinematic experience throughout all of it; the story, however, is not flawless; a lot of emotional scenes fall flat, but everything else is golden; a must-play for story-based game fans!
Tldr: Great game; a few flaws in the story bring it a bit down.

Amazing game, short and beautiful, there's no other military shooter like this, it explores what war is really like, and by the end, it truly subverts your expectations of a military shooter, even made me feel bad about playing it in the first place.

The game may not be as great as City, but it's fun through most of it; the process to completion is not as annoying as the others, and the shock gloves provide a faster way to deal with combat instead of slogging through the solutions to different enemy types, the story is really good, showing the origins of all the villains and Batman at his angriest and scariest. 7/10

It's crazy to think that this game was released in 1997, almost 30 years ago, and it still holds up incredibly well. The story, the characters, and the world are unique, and the atmosphere is haunting throughout the entire game. Combat here is lacking, being very basic and random; sometimes you can just get one shot by enemies, and sometimes you can one shot them, leading to multiple reloads. The game is not long, but that's good as it doesn't ever feel like it's dragging on. Fallout has laid the groundwork for many modern CRPGS, but it still holds up on its own with 27 years of new games coming out.

Great game, 24 years later, and it's still one of the best immersive sims, with a very unique, thought-provoking, and scarily foreseeing narrative. The only thing I can complain about is the backstab mechanic since you can fuck up minutes of stealth simply because you aimed at a wrong part of the enemy's hitbox. Everything else is honestly great; a must play!

Bioware at its best; each individual storyline for every place is interesting; it has a good villain, be it the blight or the human antagonist; companions are well written and deep; voice acting is some of the best in the genre; and it is a fantastic world with plenty of great concepts. The only complaint I have is that the game has some fetch sidequests here and there, nothing too major, and maybe around 5 hours of content. and also that combat gets a little repetitive, especially when you are really op die to nothing, but the game keeps throwing enemies at you (played on the hardest difficulty). 

Tldr: Very good main story and "main" side quests, but way too much filler contently, horribly unbalanced, and not really an RPG, still worth experiencing, 6.5/10

My history with cyberpunk is complicated; I tried playing it.
Multiple times on my Xbox One, but I could never finish it since it was so bad. Now that I have a PC, I did two 100% runs of this game, one in patch 1.6 and the other in patch 2.0 with the Phantom Liberty expansion.
Cyberpunk for me is one of those games that you just play for the story, the main quests and side quests involving the main side characters of the game are amazing, but the multiple gigs and NCPD scanner hustles are mostly just boring and don't really add much to the game, the gun play is okay, you either make yourself really op with cyberware or suffer without it, there's really not much to it expect that, it's horribly balanced, the role-playing depth of this game is minimal, a very linear game where dialogue is just for flavor and there is barely any choices, but even with all these problems I still like cyberpunk, the main story, the themes, and the art design are some of the best in the genre, like always from CDPR.

A good first entry to a beautiful franchise, it's story, dialogue, and atmosphere are top notch, the game has a comedic undertone that makes it not so depressing, a lot of choices have consequences and will lead to bloodshed, making you really think about what you pick, sure the combat is a bit boring and too easy, and sure there is a lot of backtracking here, but even with that, the game clocks in at around 40 hours if you do everything, and it doesn't feel dragged out. I highly recommend playing this game as it is a great way to enter the witcher universe; don't skip it! Also, the soundtrack is great! 7.5/10

Red Dead Redemption 2 is not perfect, but yet again, no game is. However, it is the most expansive and detailed game so far, and even today, five years later, when it comes to realism, attention to detail, and even graphics, it has not really been topped. Additionally, there are numerous random encounters with various outcomes based on your choices, side quests with the usual hilarious and deep comedy of Rockstar, and an emotional and engaging story about redemption that makes you think about yourself and the world you live in.
The one or two real shortcomings I recognize in this game is that the combat is really mediocre, acceptable yes, but not particularly enjoyable after a number of hours, and that Sadie is a bad caracther because she goes against the message that the game tries to portray, wich is that revenge is a fool`s  game, she is also a mary sure, who can fight dozens of outlaws with little gunslinging experience. otherwise, i think this is one of the best games ever made.

Yakuza 0: The introduction to the series for many, myself included, seen as the "perfect" starting points for the series and by many also seen as the series best one, and to be fair I myself thought the same, however after playing the entirety of the Kiryu saga and then coming back to this with a new lens I started to see a extra problems with this game but also a few extra things I like, mostly my problem with this game back when I played for the first time and now while trying to do all of the side stuff (I got 89.00 completion all substories and Jo Amon) is the grind for the business, real estate royale has you sitting and waiting for hours just to progress with the story and the cabaret mini game while also not giving any money mostly just has you wait 3 minutes in runs while not doing anything for you to be able to do another hostess special training, of which you have 20+, aside from that the only other problems I can think of are less grave, for me personally Majima's combat just felt unfinished, you had plenty of skills for crowd control but lacked Kiryu's more individual focused skills ( brawler finishing throw, beast grabs, and also rush parry tiger rook etc.) Making Majima just feel kinda useless against bosses unless you cheese with slugger, the last thing that is big to mention is how much the game reuses soundtrack I swear 4 tracks play over 15 times in this game for bosses and long fights which does take away from them, while replaying I realized how much this game should not be played as the first, your choice really but many things only really make sense or matter if you played the series before, imo starting with the PS2 version of Yakuza 1 is a superior way of starting this amazing series. 7/10

Tldr: Good game, somewhat grindy, Majima's combat just kinda of sucks, and not the best starting point for the series as many people say.

Classic bioware, good story about evil vs good, an interesting world with a unique setting, unique and very funny companions, an okay combat system with not a lot of depth, and good side quests with decent writing all around, a must-play for fans of bioware or RPGs in general!

Decent main story and companion related side quests nothing really groundbreaking but fun to play trough, however the combat was extremely easy even on hard, and it got repetitive pretty quickly, it's also completely unbalanced (with the artificer tree on an archer rogue you can solo every boss in the game in 20–30 seconds on an even level) the game also has a lot of fetch quests where you read a note somewhere go to where it says open a chest for some gear and MMO style quests of going to an area and killing a few enemies, it's full of them, and they are just not worth doing, I completed all of them, and it took me about 80 hours to do so.
Decent main stuff a lot of boring side stuff, stick to the main quests companion related side quests and the main quest of every area, and you should have a good time on a lower difficulty.

The Witcher 3 is to me the best role playing game ever made, most of its flaws are minimal and can be easily ignored because it still delivers an amazing experience, playing the Witcher 2 first is a must for this game, and the dlcs deliver the best quests in the games since they don't need to be very long, the only bad thing I can say about this game is that most of the white markers side content is repetitive and not interesting to play trough, I do not recommend doing all of them as it's just grindy and added in to increase playtime.
Tldr: Amazing game excellent story and fun gameplay, some boring side content not worth doing.