17 reviews liked by Helmo

very genius game and it set a turn point to the zelda series

enchanted journey was one of my childhood games and i recently replayed it. the gameplay is pretty repetitive but i think the different worlds you enter are designed with love, plus its a game for children and appropriate as such

fun to play with some good brain teasers

not a horse girl, i just like the games concept. in fact i enjoy playing it but the horses are pretty apathetic to me, i just like following the mainquest and doing the races.
- sort of pay to win (expensive)

i just think this game is very overrated and in compairison to the rest of the games in the zelda series it occurs very lame and childish to me, but i respect the good music and the idea of a water flooded overworld. (personal minus point, i dont like the toon style in general)

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Trashs
I just dont get why many people think this game is so underrated, i mean yes i approve the idea of a different overworld with trains n stuff is creative but the story and the final boss fight are boring and TOO weird to be genius, plus the final boss was too hard in comparison to the rest of the game owed to the very shitty controls.

Just the feeling to walk around in the magical world of Harry Potter is a reason to give this game a very good rating, plus it looks very artsy and it makes a lot of fun to play. Minus point: sometimes bit exhausting.

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