3 reviews liked by Hendo250

Easily one of the best games I've ever played.

I've been waiting for Hogwarts Legacy ever since they've announced it, and the long wait is worth it! This game is set in the late 1800s, and the entire plot revolves around a mysterious power that you (the character) wields and the goblin rebellion that has been terrorising the wizarding world.

It is an open world concept, so very BOTW-like. Only difference being your weapons don't break (obviously). As you progress in the game, you get to rear and cultivate your own plants and even beasts/animals that you can keep in the Room of Requirement.

Locations in the game like the Room of Requirement and even the locations of the common rooms are very spot on. Even way before I am able to access the Room of Requirement, I already had an inkling of where it is when I happened to pass by a large painting of a man teaching trolls how to dance on the seventh floor. And when I went exploring around the school, I found the locations of the other three common rooms (I'm in Ravenclaw), though obviously, I can't access it. But the locations are very spot on.

Conversations between NPCs too tells you more of the world than what is told to you. There is one occasion when I entered a classroom only to witness a student being told off by a Howler which adds some humor to it.

You can also explore Hogsmeade and befriend the villagers and even do side quests for them.

The only complaint (not really complain) that I have, is that there doesn't seem to be a curfew for our character at all. I can still explore the school at night, and there doesn't seem to be any consequences whatsoever.

Combat too is very straight forward. You sling spells at your opponents and could put up shields and dodge. Though I almost had a heart attack the first time I came face to face with a group of Inferi which gave me lots of unwanted flashbacks to when I was watching a friend play Resident Evil. Setting them on fire has never felt so satisfying before.

Overall, I give this game a 10/10, and it definitely has replay value, not unlike Skyrim. Hoping the devs will include Quidditch playing in a DLC though.

"Hasn't aged the best" nigga you haven't aged the best