141 Reviews liked by HenryDots

Just imagine if you walked into a casino and you could play games like this? I'd become a gambling addict so fast.

pyramid head very hot and tempting and

This was alright way better than what i expected, I don't think i have ever played any 2d mario games that I didn't like I mean this isn't my favorite but its a great game.

Wild that one of the all time best 2d Mario platformers is on the Gameboy

Really cute little Mario game and such a huge leap forward after SML1, and definitely the best traditional Mario platformer released on GB/GBC. As with most Game Boy games, it's not overly long (but offers much more than its predecessor) and relatively simple to get through with lots of secrets to find on the way. The final level does introduce quite a big difficulty spike however, but I did actually find myself very much enjoying the challenge this time around, but I have found it very frustrating in the past.

5/5 coz this game introduced my boi Wario

It is impressive that this game runs on Game Boy

only way I'll play my super mario games is with a power up that lets me fly over every fucking level; masterpiece

made me feel like a doo doo baby idiot because I couldn't figure out the first screen of this chibi puzzle platformer godzilla for children. Also I pressed a menu button and got


What in the fuck does "Entire Plan" mean???

whenever I am on bus all ppl are thinking of me is aw omg she’s so cute she’s so thinspo proana pinterest nyc andro model coquette waif skater girl grunge-adjacent math-rock enjoyer brandy melville regular ditzy hippy vibes she’s so marianne from normal people she’s so cute I love her ^_^
one time I was waiting for the train and some guy just approached me and said “you’re dumb” and then got on the train :3

Lavender Town syndrome is very real and the biggest example of when Pokémon games had SOUL
You can’t convince me the newer games are good if children didn’t DIE for them

I dont even want to think about playing Ninja Gaiden right now

this game is legendary for the player character controlling like a piece of industrial equipment but it's a shame that it's not as common knowledge what purpose this serves.

difficulty is not the focus- instead, the precise tuning of simon and the world around him maximizes friction, but it's an initmate friction. castlevania doesn't have fodder enemies. everything demands your attention. it's a hot and heavy game- occasionally awkward, often frustrating, but always present and in your personal space.

the breezy cadence of other platformers has its merit, but how many rooms can you recall from any other NES platformer? years later, gothic, blocky, vignettes fill my mind...

imagine playing this without savestates couldnt be me

Splash Woman made me realize I may be a lesbian (spoiler alret: I am a lesbian).