Log Status






Time Played

235h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 31, 2021

First played

October 4, 2016

Platforms Played


Dead by Daylight is best summarized as the best in a genre with no competition. When you are fresh to the game the killer is thoroughly terrifying and hard to fight against. As you get any level of experience as a survivor the killer becomes comically easy to avoid unless the killer has many hundreds of hours on killer and grinded + paid to have the most meta build at the moment. All the while the Killer who has much more interesting gameplay in my opinion is an odd balancing nightmare where the survivors are perpetually more powerful and the only way you get kills or can succeed is if they make mistakes (unless the Killer is on Nurse, the only pro-active character they can play.) I did enjoy a lot of my time while I played this game but at the point I didn't buy and grind the right killers while the survivors were running infinites around me I just lost my ability to enjoy the game. It is definitely something better to watch than to play.

Granted I last played in early 2021 but I have continued to watch videos since. My stance has stayed consistent, this is a game/genre with a lot of potential and can be a lot of fun and DBD is the best at what it does currently. But it is still really bad at that.