36 reviews liked by Heraldrick

I can confidently say that this is the strangest racing game I’ve ever played. You start off by selecting one of four characters, and they hail from locations such as Nerdsville, Nebraska and Geek City, Tennessee. The game then cuts to a scene of you overlooking a gathering of a group called “The Kings” which I suppose is the coolest group around because they race classic Chryslers. Regardless, your dweeb-self really wants to join the kings.

The 20-race campaign sees you earning cash (for upgrading your vehicle or buying items such as suede jackets) and cool points (to progress from being a nerd to at the end, a jive cat). There are also top-down mini-games that require you to collect teddy bears to woo the hordes of women that you’re attracting with your Chrysler.

The racing itself isn’t great, but the pure hilarity of every other aspect of the game made it a worthwhile experience. In short, I think I need to go buy a classic Chrysler and become a real-life jive cat.

The Alamo never would’ve fallen if I was at the helm of its defenses.

You’re telling me that we used to get 5 bananas per banana bunch? Shrinkflation has really taken its toll on the franchise.

Perhaps I’ve played too many bad kart racing games recently, because I didn’t think this one was as bad as its reputation would lead you to believe.

Would I recommend it? Of course not. However, it looks like a masterpiece in comparison to the likes of Garfield Kart and Race with Ryan.

emphasizes character over tower to frustrating extent. the character action is mechanically awful and carpal tunnel-inducing (ALERT BRING YOUR TURBO BUTTON) and movement imprecise enough to make traversing the occasionally oversized maps a joyless chore. speaking of levels, in spite of offering a surplus of towers and traps omd2 is strict in dictating which you can use: many, many, many levels will not have practical spots for ceiling towers, some not even wall towers, and most will limit either close or long range. most maps with flyers will not support convenient locations to use the anti-flyer towers. your hard work in setting up a blockade maze can be too quickly undone. regardless of the specific permutation you will constantly be denied the opportunity to experiment ironically in the pursuit of trying to make you mix it up, and you're likely to use the same 2-3 towers except for when you need to set up archer spam. game doesn't even begin until nightmare mode which has to be unlocked lol

Honestly one of the more engaging visual novels I've ever played. Loved going through all of the main girls' routes, as well as the side-characters.
Only complaint is that there doesn't seem to be a NG+ option, forcing you to start from the very beginning if you want to unlock all of the girls' secrets and get the "Summa Cum Laude" achievement.
Overall though, was a very enjoyable experience.

Cassie best girl btw.

Really fun 2D platformer worth checking out.

charming, fun, clever and tragic.

So underrated that it's a crime

Perhaps one of the lower grades I'll give to a game I finished without much hesitation, but man the wind kinda got taken out of my sails by the end. The combat (interacting with enemies at all, really) was the worst part of the game, and the increased emphasis in the closing hours just felt real bad.

Actually exploring and getting powerups was fun for a while though

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